The victim is a 21 year-old female. With the company of her friends, she lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station to reveal this sex scandal of yoga teachers to the public.
The victim enrolled herself at one of the renowned yoga centre in kepong and came to know about this 28 year-old yoga teacher.
She mentioned that this yoga teacher is quite famous in the yoga world, and he was professional and well-behaved in the class. Besides teaching whole-heartedly, he is also kind enough to remind the students in the class if they over-exposed their body. The yoga teacher also exchanging phone number with the students so that students can reach him by phone to share the yoga knowledge.
"Since 2 months ago, he was exceptionally concerned about me, he will sms me personally when I didn't turn up for his class", she said," he also sms me last saturday and showed his favorable impression to me by inviting me for a date on Sunday."
Then, they met on Sunday and the yoga teacher invited her to his home at Cheras by giving an excuse that he wanted to pass her a present, as he is her yoga teacher, without any doubt, she followed him back.
"When I reached his house, he started to kiss me and hug me, he also asked me to perform oral sex to him and molested my private part. He took out a condom too."
She was nearly raped but the yoga teacher, fortunately he couldn't erect and didn't let this happened. The yoga teacher then drove him back to her house, the victim was extremely angry and annoyed with what happened and she then condemned the yoga teacher by sms and also refused to keep any further contact with him anymore.
Couple of days later, the victim received an sms from this yoga teacher and told her that he has 'lost interest' on her and also asked the victim not to sms him anymore. The victim only came to know that she was fooled and played out by this yoga teacher.
"I had never done anything wrong to her, I'm a gentleman", the yoga teacher said when interviewed by the reporter. He also told the reporter that though he has interests on the victim, but he just felt that he couldn't progress further with her, and he also believed that the victim can find a more compatible lover in the future, hence, he sms her and hope that she could let go of him.
When interviewed, the yoga teacher denied that he was teaching in any yoga centres in Kepong before, he also mentioned that he had quitted yoga as career for some time. However, the yoga teacher asked for the victim contact number from the reporter as he mentioned that he had deleted the victim's phone number. He also informed the reporter that his intention to obtain the victim's phone number is to understand the actual situation better from her. However, the reporter refused to provide the phone number of the victim to the yoga teacher in order to protect her interest.
When the reporter tried to contact the other friends of the victim, only the reporter came to know that the yoga teacher already contacted the victim and also lied to the victim that he had apologized about his wrong-doing to the reporter, he also tried to persuade the victim not to lodge any police report.
"I was all the while refusing to have any body contact with him, but he couldn't stop to take the advantage and molested me", the victim said. She also told the reporter that the yoga teacher is good in using sweet words to seduce her, and try to convince her to believe that he really likes her, that's the reason she agreed to meet him, but never expect this unfortunate incident to happen.
She also confessed that after this unfortunate harrassment, she experienced severe mental stress and was phobia to see or meet any male strangers. In order to have a relief from the mental stress and fear, she decided to let the whole world know about this sex scandal.
Lastly, she also told the reporter though she's extremely disappointed with this yoga teacher, she will not give up her yoga practice, and she hope that she can become a yoga teacher one day.
the sacred path, only God knows the truth.

Anonymous@9.30pm posted in my previous post asking about the court case outcome, hmmm... I thought I had already reveal what's the "sure-win strategy" for LG?
8th August 2008 to receive, TJ fought back to set aside immediately on 11th August 2008, next day the judge granted the hearing on 12th September 2008, then the dumb and dumber receivers, supposed to cease operations earlier but couldn't get it done by 12th september 2008 ( must be too dumb ! ), so, followed by judge on MC ( ??? ), "have to" postpone to 14th October, then dumb dumb can "officially" declare the death of YZ by 30th september 2008.
Members started in a fiery mode and as the whatsoever MP to make a big hoo-haa at cheras outlet, then blame him, blame her, blame everyone for their package burnt ( actually we all burnt our own package ), then seraching high and low for a precious yoga class without minding about the flooded toilet or never-cleaned mats.
Coincidently, all ex-YZ teachers started yoga studios by themselves and ready to compete for the year-end "BEST YOGA ENTRTEPRENEUR AWARD" included urban yoga, light yoga, yoga life, yoga mind, ojas yoga, relocation of one yoga, les yoga, yoga loft, jasmine yoga bla bla bla...
everything seems to be to dramatic to Yogurt and everything seems to be unplanned but planned. There's just something deep there down there getting wrong but I don't know what's wrong.
God, I know that you know the truth, just lead me to the right way, I just want my next yoga class to be sincere, simple and sustainable. May those who planned this to happened go to hell and may those who follow the flow be taken care.
P/S : Yogurt had just joined Ojas actually, he he he... don't need to guess who I am, as this blog is meant for yoga gossip, so I will not promote any yoga studios by my posts, but Gilbert is good, the only eyesore to me is to see "Miss Yoga Everywhere" -- Serena in the schedule, however, by buying passes, I can choose the classes I wanna attend, all Ojas teachers, except one!

sneak preview this weekend
7 sins of YZ -- Chapter 3. Unbelievable Culture Part 1.Sweep Under the Carpet

Though favouritism is human common habit, no one shall be blamed for being favorable to someone, if you are using your own resources to please someone you are favorable to. However, in YZ, is another story, Group General Manager simply increase her own salary from 12k to 22k without approval/authority from the boss; and also snatched the authority of the sales from the ex-Group Sales Manager and thought that she's the best employee in the world that can take all responsibilities. After six months, she fail and then passed the ball to another person and simply washed hand and walked away. Worse still, she still wanted to claim back the so-called "incentive" of RM 20k for achieving the sales target of 2million in July 2007. At the time, she didn't even know what's "Y-Fitness", how could she be accountable for the incentive by including in the sales from Y-Fitness? Ridiculous!
Then come next, the "next-sales manager" ( as mentioned before, don't want to mentioned her name anymore ), favorable to female staff instead of male ( you should know why ), finding all her ways to eliminate hardworking and committed male staff. Two months before YZ crisis, Puchong Club Manager, Nicholas was trying all out to revive and bring in sales, but ( maybe ) step on her toes and didn't sing her song like her baby - Mei Theng, Yvonne and others do, she made up a story -- "saying that Nicholas is a gangster, purposely bang his car when she visited Puchong outlet!" This lethal made-up story made TJ truly angry and decided to let Nicholas go. Till recently, when I met back Nicholas at One Utama, only he told that he didn't even know about this incident!
So, why TJ will never have chance to listen to the true voice? Simple. All of the employees in YZ were forewarned by the ex-personal assistant that, " The boss only like to listen to sweet words, but not the negative words! ", this is again testified from few of the ex-employees that left the company before the crisis.
Besides, the YZ manager were all with almighty power and authority, they can "simply" increase anyone's salary/ wages without the approval also, for example, teacher's hourly rate. Seeing is believing! ( Refer to the image above )
Now the scary one, they simply issue cheques at their own capacity without consent from the boss ( no matter for what reason being, it's never right! You think it's your father's company ??? ), and now suddenly saying that they were not the one that made the crisis. Come on, for anyone, they will only include the signatory of a person they really trust in cheque signing, that's the trust imparted in you, but not for you to abuse! You can also see another piece of "Guarantor form" which were filled up till half way, for what? What for? You are using TJ's particular as you like? You insane? If I were TJ, I will kill you! I still have no chance to take any photos of their fraud signature cheques yet, if I get it, will reveal to the world too! Wait and see!
Is TJ only that caused the fallen of such a big organization, don't blame him only, he's definitely one of the main reason, but you all too! Do you think you can escape from the eyes of God?
Remember? Conscience is clear, intention is good, are you?
Yuet Ling or Yuet Yin?

Can you use your sister's passport to go overseas?
The "smartest" receivership company -- Ferrier Hodgson! 飞来鹤神

If Lay Gaik is dumb, Ferrier Hodgson is dumber!Perfect Match!
If TJ is liar, Lay Gaik is a big liar, and Ferrier Hodgson is a big fat liar!

They can't blindly lie in their official correspondence just to cover their "back" , "undo" whatever they had done! "Unsay" whatever they had said!
How smart is Ferrier Hodgson? How careful is Ferrier Hodgson? How dedicated is Ferrier Hodgson in handling YZ receivership?
Well, again, another evidence! Monteiro, your are 70 years old, are you sure you still fit to be a receiver? Heng Ji Keng, come out and face us? You want to cover your mistakes and wrong-doings? Do you think is that easy? No way! Simply NO WAY!
Dumb Case 1. Look at the company's name in the correspondence, they recieved The Yoga Group Zone Sdn Bhd??? or The Yoga Zone Group Sdn Bhd??? My company will never have this happened, but a "porfessional receivership establishment"? What says you? Say sorry to yourself, Monteiro and Heng!
Dumb Case 2. The first employees meeting were held on 13th August 2008! Not 11th August 2008! Aren't you all in Ferrier Hodgson aware of this? Liar! Big fat liar that ruined YZ! Chances are high that you are simply the puppet of Lay Gaik!
More to come, Ferrier Hodgson! Not only publishing here, but the proper legal action is on the way, have anyone heard of a receivership company being received by another receivership company? You will see! Let's witness this, soon, very very soon!
Where Had All The Money Gone?

Every single member in YZ and every single employee will definitely have this big huge fat question in their mind! And the only answer they will have is "TJ cheated everyone's money!"; "TJ conned everyone's money!"; "TJ's family are the morons!"
As both pro-Lay Gaik and pro-TJ parties said,"The truth will eventually be revealed!" Lay Gaik had planned and outlined this perfect crime for long time, and now the fact is simple, "Lay Gaik wins! All others lose!"
Think back, we always choose to believe that TJ is the conman and most selfish man, that's why all his so-called best friends, best employees and family members decided to leave him and fight for justice!
Is this the truth? Or there's possibly another story? No one knows! Fundamentally, follow the laws of nature, there are always two sides of every single story. Then, why did they do so?
It's really hard to believe this fact and you can still choose not to believe, putting this in the blog and not passing this to the police force is simply giving them another chance to live! Unlike those who are taking every single opportunity for TJ to live again!
Suspected personnel involved: Sales Consultant/ Club Manager/ Sales Manager
Looking at the Receipt NO. 4265 as above, which was the original copy, just by using common sense, everyone knows that the particulars and amount filled in the original receipt must be identical to the carbon copy of the same receipt.
This is truly a complete shock to me when one of the ex-front liners in YZ showed these few documents to me. As much as I know, TJ had actually asked the Sales Manager at that time ( you should know who by now if you have been following my blog ) to investigate this case ( there are conservatively hundreds of these kind of cases in YZ! ), neither did she investigate nor feedback to TJ about this though been asking to do it for weeks.
What does that mean? If you see clearly the original receipt was actually "corrected" by correction pen, however, when you look at the carbon copy, it was left blank and cancelled! What scenario am I thinking of?
The most probable scenario is :-
Don't believe in what I am saying? The back of the receipt clearly reflected what had been "corrected"! Gosh! An amount of RM 747 has gone to others pocket! If it's true, any dedicated manager will immediately catch this person to prevent further damage to the company! But why did the Sales Manager in charge at that time never ( or maybe never wanted to ) do anything about it? Or could it be possible that this is the "join-effort"?
Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier Hodgson!

Well Done! Moron Ferrier Hodgson! They are pushing resopnsbilities away to the "deteriorating" financial conditions! I thought they found "not even a piece of paper" in the account department as per informed by the teachers who attended their meeting???
What the hell is this? Ceasing operations on 30th September 2008? Aren't they already "ceased" all the operations? Does the honorable judge know about all these? Or they just do this with their own likings?
The letter mentioned "necessary funding", how much is the "funding" they need? Why was this not made transparent to all? Why can't we members stand an opportunity to invest into the business? What's this Ferrie Hodgson doing?
Where's the transparency of your practice? You are here to heal the company? White Knight? Come on, you all are men, stand up and face the public, Miss Lay Gaik, thanks for appointing this "great and almighty" receivers to wrap up YZ and finish off our package, you desrved to be enjoying the soon-to-come karma!
Respect the fact!

If ex-YZ have 20,000 members and 10 outlets as the press reported, 2 outlets, Damas and Kepong = 4,000 members.
estimated no. of members = 20% of 4,000 members = 800 members.
estimated monthly revenue = 800 members X RM 88 = RM 70,400
estimated teachers' salary = 12 classes/ outlet X 2 outlet X RM 70 ( average ) X 30 days = RM 120,800
estimated rental = damas RM 43,500 kepong RM 16,000 = RM 59,500
estimated managers' salary = Esther RM 5,500 ( YZ's salary to her, now Damas manager ) + Lilian RM 1,600 ( Last time receptionist@HQ, now Kepong's manager, but ex-spy of Lay Gaik, pretend to support TJ at High Court, but actually want to dig out more inside info) + Lay Gaik RM 10,000 + his boy friend's personal allowance for her Estee Lauder facial + Vivian G RM 8,500 + Kim RM 6,000 + Arthur Lai RM 12,000 ( Lay Gaik's culprit ) = RM 43,600 ( besides undertable money they used to buy over people )
utilties = RM 3,000/ outlet X 2 outlets = RM 6,000
According to proper accounting principles:
Sales - cost of sales = Profit/loss
RM 70,400 - ( RM 120,800 + RM 59,500 + RM 43,600 + RM 6,000 )
= RM 70,400 - RM 229,900
monthly loss = ( RM 159,500 )
The figure shows gross/net loss of RM 159,500 without taking into consideation the frontdesk salary, advertising costs, cleaners' salary, statutory contributions, conservatively, the loss can be up to RM 200,000/ month
Not more than one year, urban yoga loss can be up to RM 2 million, is this their "investment"?
Decision is in your hand, but, please respect the fact!
7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier Part 1

As I mentioned in the first chapter, YZ was definitely one of the most well-paid company in Malaysia, especially in wellness industry. All the figures below were extracted from a comment posted by TJ in yogajess blog
Looking at the quality and experience of the previous management team and justifying whether their salaries were commensurate with their work performance or not, I can honestly tell you, they definitely have a tough time now even finding a job. If they can find a job, maybe 25% of the salary they got from YZ:
1. Stephanie Chia ( ex-Project and Operations Manager )
- RM 8,000 + full allowance
- This ex-Jinjang Joe ( heard from my consultant last time, Chryssandra, that she was really from Jinjang ) was only with LCCI qualifications and at the age of 29 years old, another blood-sucker for all the renovation projects in YZ, not only always delaying the projects and caused company's bad reputation, but also taking lots of advantage from the suppliers. She always release payments to those contractors who benefiting her as early as possible; but to others, keep on delaying ( some even more than 2 years ) the payments as she get no benefits from them.
2. Paullin L ( ex-sales manager )
- RM 9,000 + full allowance
- I don't know how on earth this TJ is so generous to pay for this amount of salary as it's equivalent to a regional bank manager salary ( or even higher! ) Gosh! Knowing that she used to be a credit controller in Celebrity Fitness, a normal credit controller can hardly get anything more than 4k, she should be appreciative towards an opportunity given by TJ to prove herself; this vampire worked the other way by cheating as much money as possible till even asking the club managers to "work" together with her. Ivan, the club manager in Sri Petaling was one of the victims to her strategy. Besides, she's also good in playing tactics, making up stories to eliminate those 'men' who threaten her position, included Nicolas, the ex-club manager of Puchong and the ex-group sales manager, Edwin were all sacrificed because of her anti-male policy.
3. Vivian G ( ex-GM )
- RM 8.500 + teaching = RM 10,000 and above
- Well, a bit sick to elaborate on her, kindly refer to all the comments I have written before, compile it, then slice into small pieces, use a fruit juice blender to blend it and flush it through the toilet bowl.
- Final say about her: Hopeless + Helpless + Speechless
4. Tan CB ( ex-Director of Corporate Affairs )
- RM 16,000 ??????????
- TJ, you must be crazy! What kind of 'affairs' that you need to pay this kind of salary? Are you getting insane? Are you too rich and have too much money to simply spend? Don't you have a more meaningful way to use your money?
- I knew from one of the Damas members that he's the husband of one of the members in Damas, Marie, the company secretary of YZ. In any professional firm, no one will let this happen as it's too easy to conspire. TJ, if you know nothing about business, then look for external consultancy firm like Ernst & Young, their consultancy fees is far more reasonable than you paying one headcount, at least you get more brains to assist you! See what happened now? Bringing in this kind of non-productive headcounts only speed up the death of YZ, my company was thinking of the ways to kick all this old ass out, but you are keeping them with your kindness like an old folk's home! Good! You deserve the YZ's failure!
TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile Phone + Smiling Lips

Life is always great and life is always good. We have been living in darkness for some time without regular yoga practice, led by all the unknown source ( so-called 'reliable source' ) by only believing in what we heard over the vineyard.
We, urbanites ( not related to Hell Urban Yoga ), seem smart but dumb at the same time, what did we contribute to the whole incident happened in YZ's empire failure? Yes, in fact, we did contribute hell lot more than we think -- gossiped the rumours we heard, and spreading the rumours to others, I'm not too sure about other outlets, but from the classes I attended in Cheras Plaza, Plaza Damas and sometimes Taman Desa since May 2008, I can honestly tell you, the members couldn't live without talking about "YZ going to close down soon"; some of the yoga and pilates teachers ( included one of the so-called 'senior' teachers, I used to join her classes very often in Cheras, she used to be one of my favourite teacher, but no more since her first bad-mouthing about TJ and YZ, bear in mind she was also trained by TJ initially ) were happily adding salt to the wound. Gosh!
There was one biggest joke that I overheard from her, this 'senior teacher' while as her daily ritual, continue her gossips immediately after her class, that I truly laughed till my jaw dropped -- "I tell you all haaa, TJ is a professional liar, me as his 'Dai Tou Dai' ( first apprentice ) also won't support him, if you trust his one word you will also surely die, he can having his curry noodle ( some said nasi lemak later ), crying with tears, listening to the mobile phone and plead for sympathy and smile at his face, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!" ( My apology that I have to translate directly without changing the content of her speech ). I was trying to do it by visualizing putting all these actions together, I just couldn't stop laughing, particularly, some of the members still could believe this and spread the rumours to others ( and that's how it started as 'curry noodle' and ended as 'nasi lemak' ).
Dear all of us, pathetic members that package burnt and no more yoga at YZ, is this what we want? If yes, we had eventually succeed!
Next time, when you visit the "Dai Pai Dong' ( hawkers' stall ), try to order the curry noodle or nasi lemak and ask your friends or yourself to put all the acts I mentioned above together, I bet you can't do this 'super stunt'!
Who had seen TJ performed this stunt? According to this 'senior teacher', she, again, overheard it from someone! As usual, when she mentioned 'reliable source'; 'from someone but I can't tell you', you will never know who till now!
So, what says you now, Serena?
1. It's alright and it's understandable if those who have been blaming and accusing TJ all this while and you think that I'm TJ, i.e. Danny ( I doubt it's real name ), you just couldn't accept that you may blame someone mistakenly and unable to accept the fact, I never side TJ, but from the rumours and gossips I heard tooooooooo much, it's unbelievable, how rumours can bring the kingdom down, unless it's a conspired team vs a person.
2. Serena was thinking to take over Cheras Plaza from TJ at a cheap 100k ( according to my estimation, YC Cheras investment is at least RM 1 million onwards), she went against TJ while didn't get this deal and started to brainwash all other teachers, even those who are pro-TJ, included Dawid, Zen, Penny etc, as a senior remisier in a public-listed securities company, she definitely understands the business world well, to be a successful business woman, she of course knows the tactics to use in order to get what she wants. Yes, as long as she can make sure TJ has not even one more person to support him, then, she can easily do whatever she wants, she has been trying hard to be one of the culprits to Lay Gaik for the receivership, as the morning befor ethe receivership, she was happily calling to club manager at YC Cheras, Lilian, telling her that, "Your boss' company is finished by today la, and he will be jailed soon!", Tell me about it, if she's not on eof the culprits!!!
After the receivership, she has been trying hard to approach Ferrier Hodgson and PPB Hartabina ( Cheras Plaza's landlord ), hoping to take over Cheras outlet in any way she can, but opppsss.... she failed, it only proves one thing, there's God of Yoga watching what she's doing! Another insights, Serena is at the same age as Lay Gaik! Good sisters!
I told you, TJ, you should listen to me at the first place while I was so keen to explore further to work with you 3 years ago! You can blame no one for your baby ruined by others now!
7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?

As one of the very first member in Taman Desa ( it was 5 years plus ago, I remembered that consultant that time told me I was the first 50 to join YZ! ), I know YZ was genuinely started as an all-buddies team at the beginning where TJ initiated the idea and the dream to build a proper yoga studio and the rest of his buddies followed. TJ and Jennifer were my favourite teachers ( even till now, no one can defeat their teaching skills and passion! ), though Ken was also teaching, but he's not my cup of tea, not because Ken is not good, but I just don't like Pilates! I was an evening class regular and can always see now the so-called senior yoga teachers were waiting for our class to finish to continue with their next class by TJ, like Serena ( she couldn't even do a proper headstand at that time and keep on giving excuses like she's unfit for the pose ) and Kim ( heard that TJ recruited her into the team at first sight and now another betrayal to join the non-yoga mind Hell Urban Yoga ). However, sad to say, though I'm not a fortune-teller, right at the starting point, the way that TJ worked and the principles he held in business, like putting in yoga philosophy and imparting family value, already almost guaranteed the fallen and failure of YZ today:-
- Forgave the unforgiven -- TJ always believes that everyone is potential in this world and always gives them a chance to not only prove themselves, but keep on failing by not proving themselves and still being forgiven. For example, Vivian Goh ( her class sucks! I'm not attacking her on your size because we are similar to each other, just that her super high pitch, it's torturing my ear drums! Yes, I know she tried hard to imitate TJ's way of teaching, but failed ) the only general manager responsible for advertising and promotion of YZ, simply overspent the company's advertising budget and believed had all the while getting the not-to-mention "advantage" from the suppliers and event organizers. One of the resigned director told me, during the "Paris event" at The Weld, the infamous 3-piece acoustic band sang for 30 minutes and charged RM 3,500!!! I did ask my friend who organize events for big companies, like Nokia and Maxis, the charges of this kind of performance is usually not more than RM 1,500, where did the RM 2,000 go? Vivian Goh should know better than anyone.
- Almighty Royal Family -- The following few chapters will be pretty dramatic as the royal family, if not the root, definitely one of the main reasons that killed YZ earlier. I believe you will have the same feeling like me after reading it, wanna knock TJ's head three times! Yes, we know you started as a yoga teacher with yoga mind, but when you decided to build this empire, you should be a business-minded entrepreneur, this is the real world! You think a stock remisier like Serena getting close to you for no reason? Come on, poor TJ, you are not gorgeous like Shahrul Khan.
- Freedom to work = Freedom to simply delay timeline -- According to some of the ex-staff, YZ used to be the best place to work, reason being? Simple, if you can't meet your timeline? Never mind; If you can't achieve the target given? Never mind; If you spent beyond your approved budget? Never mind. I wonder what's in their mind and what they truly mind! They always tell me, "My boss is the kindest boss in the world!", "I have decided to work whole life with YZ!", where have all these crap-tellers gone? Some left earlier, some remained and think of whatever way they can to ruin the empire!
- Too many women = Too much gossip -- The management team was made up of 90% female. I'm a woman, but sorry, gals! I need to be honest in order to be fair to all parties, women gossip the most, women envy easily, women always show favouritism, women are selfish ( except their loved one and their own family, back to selfishness ), women dare not to take challenge, women love to bla bla bla, it's WOMEN!
- Delegation = Authority + Pushing away the responsibilities -- The managers in YZ were from all walks of life, I can understand this is not merely TJ's fault to get all the Ah Lian and Ah Hue in. Imagine 5 - 6 years ago, if you put up a recruitment ad to look for "managers with more than 5 years experience in yoga industry", the feedback is almost a sure thing -- ZERO. The industry is so new and definitely not easy to get good personnel, the only way is trial and error, but too many trial and error have eventually ended the whole story with error.
- Selfishness is the surviving kit in YZ -- While looking into the payroll, YZ was definitely one of the most well-paid company in Malaysia. TJ's philosophy was "if you feed them well, they can focus on their work and need not to worry about hunger", but he doesn't understand, the managers were thinking in the way that "more the merrier, swallow as much as they can while time still allowed", though the salary range of managers were from RM 6k onwards, everyone of them were far too greedy. Conservatively, the ex-personal assistant of TJ suspected taken RM 1.5 million; business development and project manager eaten more than RM 500k; group sales manager swallowed ( an ex-Celerity Fitness credit controller and pinksofa.com chairwoman according to yogajess.com ) too much till not able to calculate; general manager mentioned above and many others. As they are too protective and worry to lose the channel to safeguard their lucrative "income", they were those who most worry about anyone that may wake TJ up and threaten their positions, hence, they will make sure no information is out flow, sweeping all their mistakes under the carpet and badmouthing others, so that their potential rivals, no matter the existing staff or new kids on the board, superior or subordinates, can be eliminated before even come near to TJ.
- Over-expected wavelength and understanding -- A vision of a man is nothing if there's no one to assist him to execute on the ground. Heard from the ex-spa manager and ex-sales manager, TJ is ambitious, with great vision and willing to share the knowledge; but not the "dumb & dumber" management team. They will always pretend they understand what TJ said, but actually they know nuts!
- Bringing in The-All-blockbustors -- The lethal 10% shares-sale of RM 600k from TJ to Lim Lay Gaik was like bringing in "the worm into your ass" ( TJ should ask me first before this woman, I did ask him few times about joining venture with him but he refused to talk further ) and this middle-age blood sucker have been camouflaged well like a little bashful schoolgirl, she's in fact the all-blockbusters! Anaconda + Vampire + Jaws + Silence of the Lamb's professor + Predator + Freddie's nightmare + Scream + Child's Play ! TJ might think that a 43 year-old woman should be trustable, and this big fat lesson could almost caused his life and future. Lim Lay Gaik, well done! Your mission is accomplished, you can rest-in-peace now, don't forget that the villain in the movie must eventually die!
- "Government-like" working environment -- I still remember once I have a little constructive suggestion when I was in Taman Desa and happily wanted to inform the management about it, but before I even voiced out, the front desk girl thought that I was going to lodge huge complain, she then beating about the bush and wasted my 30 minutes, then asked me to visit or call to HQ, then HQ again asking me to call the respective club manager, and then the club managers passed it back to the superior, and then waited for the reply for months, till you finally dry down and give up. What reminds you about this? Our government offices! Cool! A true Malaysia brand!
Phew! I still have tonnes of insight stories to tell!
For those who support TJ, there's nothing here for you to be proud of; for Lim Lay Gaik's and Ferrier Hodgson's supporters, there's none of your business here, as you have your new cool Hell Urban Yoga to take care of; for those anti-ALL ( anti-TJ, anti-Lay Gaik and anti-Ferrier Hodgson ), fast fast go and find a place to continue your practice.
What I am hoping is everyone can take this easy, I had put down my heavy heart of keep on thinking back about my burnt lifetime package, why not you? ;-)
I have never felt more yoga-minded like now than before, not even the time that I attended 5 classes a day, Yoga? It's all in your mind; Yoga Zone? It's simply the part of your heart that gives and forgives.
7 sins of YZ - Preface

After consolidating all the information from all the different aspects and levels of people related to the falling apart of YZ Empire, I am sad and really thinking of what can I do to have a complete picture of the whole incident. I felt so guilty, ( oh, definitely not to TJ, his dumbness is the main factor to cause this ) to not following the teaching of yoga, never practicing Ahimsa, I was being pretty violence in words by adding salt to what I heard over the vineyard initially and passed the rumours around that against TJ.
I was hoping someone from far out there come to us and save us from this situation. Thank God my dream did come true, "someone" did appear, but the devils, Lim Lay Gaik and Ferrier Hodgson, finished off YZ in the blinks of eyes and made my package gone by the wind.
I need to emphasize that money ( though is essential ) is not the main issue here, the stress that we all gone through and the elimination of once-our-second-home really make me sick of them. White knights? Healing? Receivership? Now's the outcome we deserved.
A20,000 member-base business is not easy to set up, and definitely not possible to be done by one person, if this TJ is that almighty and powerful, he will be above all of us and won't be that dumb to make himself in the situation like now. Well, we can't blamed much for a person's stupidity.
Lim Lay Gaik promised to bring back the glory days of YZ, in a minority shareholder capacity? She's either too big headed, or with a master mind behind and a well-conspired plan.
Where did the story started? Well, I have compiled and divided into the following 7 chapters, each chapter is supported with possible proofs that I can dig out either from the ex-management team, ex-teachers or the members to ensure fairness.
After I drafted out all the key points in every chapter, I just couldn't control my tears, I'm sorry, to YZ, for your last mourning on 15th September 2008, the falling a apart of a once biggest yoga empire in Asia.
Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?

I'm thinking whether there will be many ex-YZ members joining by paying the no-reason RM 88, bear in mind that not to the previous outstanding salary/statutory contributions/ suppliers, but into the pocket of the new investor ( I prefer to call him 'the opportunist' as he just wimpy press the reset button by doing nothing, wait to yield the lucrative profits ).
Any professional investor with vision will definitely have an open platform to communicate with the members and the employees, looking at the situation now, they oniy communicate and favour to those who directly/ indirectly assisting to achieve his motive, like Serena, Kim, Ken and the look-like-transsexual pilates instructor, Stephanie.
I couldn't imagine this stephanie, as a mother and a pilates instructor, could criticize Dawid and 'curse his whole family to death' ( Ham-Gar-Chan ) in front of the members of cheras. Think wisely how good can a teacher be, if her mouth is as smelly as dustbin, conscience and intention are evil.
The set up of this Urban Yoga is for Lim Lay Gaik to make sure her investment worth more than she expected and turn over a new leaf for the new "investor" by burying all our packages. This cunning woman is all the while aware of what happened in YZ, she had made up tonnes of stories in all her affidavits which will definitely leads her to the road of no turning-back. Knowing TJ is accumulating evidence and just wait for the right time to reveal.
Sometimes I just couldn't understand why she able to do all these? Aren't she afraid of the negative Qi that's gonna be with her for the rest of her life.
Yoga business is not "yogurt" business, if the place you practice yoga is without the psirit of yoga, tink of making it flourish? dream it, Lim Lay Gaik.
- 2009 (5)
- December(1)
- October(6)
- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?
Blog Archive
- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?