01 October 2008
7 sins of YZ -- Chapter 3. Unbelievable Culture Part 1.Sweep Under the Carpet

Though favouritism is human common habit, no one shall be blamed for being favorable to someone, if you are using your own resources to please someone you are favorable to. However, in YZ, is another story, Group General Manager simply increase her own salary from 12k to 22k without approval/authority from the boss; and also snatched the authority of the sales from the ex-Group Sales Manager and thought that she's the best employee in the world that can take all responsibilities. After six months, she fail and then passed the ball to another person and simply washed hand and walked away. Worse still, she still wanted to claim back the so-called "incentive" of RM 20k for achieving the sales target of 2million in July 2007. At the time, she didn't even know what's "Y-Fitness", how could she be accountable for the incentive by including in the sales from Y-Fitness? Ridiculous!
Then come next, the "next-sales manager" ( as mentioned before, don't want to mentioned her name anymore ), favorable to female staff instead of male ( you should know why ), finding all her ways to eliminate hardworking and committed male staff. Two months before YZ crisis, Puchong Club Manager, Nicholas was trying all out to revive and bring in sales, but ( maybe ) step on her toes and didn't sing her song like her baby - Mei Theng, Yvonne and others do, she made up a story -- "saying that Nicholas is a gangster, purposely bang his car when she visited Puchong outlet!" This lethal made-up story made TJ truly angry and decided to let Nicholas go. Till recently, when I met back Nicholas at One Utama, only he told that he didn't even know about this incident!
So, why TJ will never have chance to listen to the true voice? Simple. All of the employees in YZ were forewarned by the ex-personal assistant that, " The boss only like to listen to sweet words, but not the negative words! ", this is again testified from few of the ex-employees that left the company before the crisis.
Besides, the YZ manager were all with almighty power and authority, they can "simply" increase anyone's salary/ wages without the approval also, for example, teacher's hourly rate. Seeing is believing! ( Refer to the image above )
Now the scary one, they simply issue cheques at their own capacity without consent from the boss ( no matter for what reason being, it's never right! You think it's your father's company ??? ), and now suddenly saying that they were not the one that made the crisis. Come on, for anyone, they will only include the signatory of a person they really trust in cheque signing, that's the trust imparted in you, but not for you to abuse! You can also see another piece of "Guarantor form" which were filled up till half way, for what? What for? You are using TJ's particular as you like? You insane? If I were TJ, I will kill you! I still have no chance to take any photos of their fraud signature cheques yet, if I get it, will reveal to the world too! Wait and see!
Is TJ only that caused the fallen of such a big organization, don't blame him only, he's definitely one of the main reason, but you all too! Do you think you can escape from the eyes of God?
Remember? Conscience is clear, intention is good, are you?
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FUCK TJ stop post all the nonsense in the blog!!!!sicken of you
It's holidays and can sleep late!
Dear anonymous 2.50am,
If you want to FUCK TJ, do go ahead!
If yuo want to FUCK the one that post "all the nonsense in the blog" ( you are commeting on all those who had read this blog before ), then I'll kick your ass out of here. Don't come here and read nonsense, you should have betteryhings to do than reading nonsense.
Yes, you just couldn't believe that there are people out there support TJ.Initially, I chose to stay neutral,but the fact is Lay Gaik and Ferrier Hodgson wrapped up the whole YZ!
Now, it's no more the issue of my RM 5,888 GC package, it's about justice and fairness!
The blogger is the host of his/her own blog, you can chooose to read or not to read; you can choose to believe or not to believe; you can chooose to complement or condenm; it's simply your choice.
YZ is dead, if TJ is as per what the comments in the blog said, he's a conman, he should be filthy rich now and WHY he needs to attack? If not, then we may had miscommented him! So, what do you believe and what do you choose to believe may differ, but don't choose to be against your heart, the one that deep inside, no one can run away.
Is you TJ!!!! , whole world know is you the one create the blog! who else so free doing nothing??
Ok... then shall i make a wild guess that Jess in yogajess is Lay Gaik orher best friend?
Why are you so worry whether I'm TJ or not? Fact is fact, it does not make any different!
Why all these wrong-doings can't be revealed to the whole world?
If the whole world "knows"/"think" that I'm TJ, they should be hating me very much. Seems like it work the other way round,more and more people are reading and finding out the fact.
If I were TJ? Sorry,Iwon't waste time writing blogs here, I will pass all the evidence to the relevant authorities months ago to see how you die, understand?
ohh yogajess is lay gaik ar? ya i can guess so!
yeah, i believe the fall of YZ cannot be blame to TJ alone, if TJ is really weak in managing the company, so what the management team is doing? Dreaming? or just sitting there to wait for the miracle to happen?
this is a simple theory. the one that managing the country is not the king, is the prime minister! get it? when one country government is overturn due to lousy in managing the country, who should be blame? The king or the ministers?
the stupid king - TJ
The people should be blame - old UGLYbitches
why you appear here?go to spicyyoga la...we are waiting for you to start the war leh...come on!today i have full of energy!hahaha...
you like to attack TJ,right?but i like to attack you woh...so how ah? ;)hii..hii...
The heartbeat 119, mummy, stupid anonymous, urban yogurt are all one person - the stupid king, the dumb king, now become the slave, and no way he can revive again, TJ, your life is a gone case. If you dead already, rest in peace. If you not die yet, please kill yourself and let other have peaceful life.
Why can't you let go? Is it that difficult to let go? 20,000 people hate you! You should enter the book of guinness record!
Correction here...Yogajess is Jess, a member of YC-Klang and not someone else like what you all claimed. Please do not frame ppl. Whether this blog owner is T.J or not it doesnt really matter. The most important thing is all the evidences shown here are rather interesting and shocking. Please do provide more evidences to show the whole world know nothing but the TRUTH.
Good Afternoon uglykid!
ohhh...i just woke up...muuuaakk...give you a kiss!!!
you said heartbeat 119, mummy, stupid anonymous, urban yogurt are all one person - TJ ah???
eii,you not 'sian' meh?everyday talk the same topic,people read also 'sian' lah...
now the NEW topic is...
Uglykid,Marcus L.P.K,Danny,stupid anonymous,coward anonymous are all one person - PHYLLIS PEK!!!and UY is UGLYBITCHES YOGA!
you ask TJ to let go?go your stupid uglybitch head la!!!why you cant let go of TJ?why everyday still want to attack him?if you keeps on attack him,we will challenge you all out!wait and see!
yes!!!!! i agree whatever anonymous 11.10am said,so remember u r urban YOGURT..make it real tasty for us.....ah lee yo
Agree with Anonymous at 11.10 AM, no matter what is going to be publish here, the members will never forget the incident of YZ, TJ and LG. No use to bad mouth anybody, after all, YZ is no turning back...:(
Urban yogurt, I think many readers are laughing looking at all your post, especially the competitor. Whatever you are trying to show here actually doesn't help TJ at all. We will assume TJ is really sucks as he can start his business but fail to manage it until so many unforseen circumstances has happened.
Uglykid, don't need to argue here. If urban yogurt continue posting, no opponents is replying, nobody will come and read this blog.
Members are very concern on how to stop the credit card installment plan and whether they can get back their payments eventhough it is not possible.
i know someone in ferrier hodgson, i just got my credit card payment ceased. just to share here, of course you need to pay "special service fees" to MR.EARNEST, it can be settled easily.
Actually, they can settle certain numbers of members only, so please do it as soon as possible. you can email me trueyogalover@gmail.com to get more info.
I am not too sure what trueyogalover says is correct or not. Simply for everyone's reference.
Dear trueyogalover, can you contact me personally?
hi everyone,
check out this link.. Is that the same Phyllis Pek from YZ..