15 October 2008
the sacred path, only God knows the truth.

It's should be called an end by now as LG can finally continue her Lauder facial without any disturbances from anyone and her RM 600,000 investment definitely worth more than you can imagine, 3 outlets of ex-YZ that conservetively invested more than RM 1.2 million each, sum up to RM 3.6million, 600% returns in 2 years, better than being a robber, right? :-P
Anonymous@9.30pm posted in my previous post asking about the court case outcome, hmmm... I thought I had already reveal what's the "sure-win strategy" for LG?
8th August 2008 to receive, TJ fought back to set aside immediately on 11th August 2008, next day the judge granted the hearing on 12th September 2008, then the dumb and dumber receivers, supposed to cease operations earlier but couldn't get it done by 12th september 2008 ( must be too dumb ! ), so, followed by judge on MC ( ??? ), "have to" postpone to 14th October, then dumb dumb can "officially" declare the death of YZ by 30th september 2008.
Members started in a fiery mode and as the whatsoever MP to make a big hoo-haa at cheras outlet, then blame him, blame her, blame everyone for their package burnt ( actually we all burnt our own package ), then seraching high and low for a precious yoga class without minding about the flooded toilet or never-cleaned mats.
Coincidently, all ex-YZ teachers started yoga studios by themselves and ready to compete for the year-end "BEST YOGA ENTRTEPRENEUR AWARD" included urban yoga, light yoga, yoga life, yoga mind, ojas yoga, relocation of one yoga, les yoga, yoga loft, jasmine yoga bla bla bla...
everything seems to be to dramatic to Yogurt and everything seems to be unplanned but planned. There's just something deep there down there getting wrong but I don't know what's wrong.
God, I know that you know the truth, just lead me to the right way, I just want my next yoga class to be sincere, simple and sustainable. May those who planned this to happened go to hell and may those who follow the flow be taken care.
P/S : Yogurt had just joined Ojas actually, he he he... don't need to guess who I am, as this blog is meant for yoga gossip, so I will not promote any yoga studios by my posts, but Gilbert is good, the only eyesore to me is to see "Miss Yoga Everywhere" -- Serena in the schedule, however, by buying passes, I can choose the classes I wanna attend, all Ojas teachers, except one!
Anonymous@9.30pm posted in my previous post asking about the court case outcome, hmmm... I thought I had already reveal what's the "sure-win strategy" for LG?
8th August 2008 to receive, TJ fought back to set aside immediately on 11th August 2008, next day the judge granted the hearing on 12th September 2008, then the dumb and dumber receivers, supposed to cease operations earlier but couldn't get it done by 12th september 2008 ( must be too dumb ! ), so, followed by judge on MC ( ??? ), "have to" postpone to 14th October, then dumb dumb can "officially" declare the death of YZ by 30th september 2008.
Members started in a fiery mode and as the whatsoever MP to make a big hoo-haa at cheras outlet, then blame him, blame her, blame everyone for their package burnt ( actually we all burnt our own package ), then seraching high and low for a precious yoga class without minding about the flooded toilet or never-cleaned mats.
Coincidently, all ex-YZ teachers started yoga studios by themselves and ready to compete for the year-end "BEST YOGA ENTRTEPRENEUR AWARD" included urban yoga, light yoga, yoga life, yoga mind, ojas yoga, relocation of one yoga, les yoga, yoga loft, jasmine yoga bla bla bla...
everything seems to be to dramatic to Yogurt and everything seems to be unplanned but planned. There's just something deep there down there getting wrong but I don't know what's wrong.
God, I know that you know the truth, just lead me to the right way, I just want my next yoga class to be sincere, simple and sustainable. May those who planned this to happened go to hell and may those who follow the flow be taken care.
P/S : Yogurt had just joined Ojas actually, he he he... don't need to guess who I am, as this blog is meant for yoga gossip, so I will not promote any yoga studios by my posts, but Gilbert is good, the only eyesore to me is to see "Miss Yoga Everywhere" -- Serena in the schedule, however, by buying passes, I can choose the classes I wanna attend, all Ojas teachers, except one!
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ha ha ha! I like this name, MISS YOGA EVERYWHERE! Yes, in fact, Serena is pretty irritating.
May god take care of TJ...
yes LG can smile all the way to the bank but her UY business will not last forever.enjoy while you can Lay Gaik :)
#May those who planned this to happened go to hell and may those who follow the flow be taken care.#
yes yogurt,i like this sentence :)
i saw the UrbanYoga photo in yogalover88 feel like want to vomit!that is robber's house!
Lay Gaik 是摞女(lo loi)!专摞人钱,摞人着数,摞人便宜,摞人家儿子,摞人家老公!真是个名副其实的死摞女!
vivian goh (the teacher a bit fat one) also "lor lui" she is with ppl husband.
lor loi???where got so young?no...no...no...They all are LOR POH!old-old aunties!
breaking news! uglykid written so much in yogajess.com blog is actually LIM LAY GAIK herself! She sent her laptop for repair and reformat in 1 utama and the personnel is actually yoga zone member last time, so itchy hand explore one of the folders and evidence all in her hand now!
Pay back my money, LIM LAY GAIK!
Hi, another of the poor cheated member who paid full up front. Any idea how do i go about to make my claim at the consumer court? pls advise.
Justice, are u sure? or heard it from somewhere?
my friends and i have been reading all the stories and been attending yoga classes since plaza damas opening.
we believe that uglykid is nicole lee ching lim. not LG.
LG dont use wei, or stupid in her class. i also recalled many times in nicole class, when one student want to ask question or in doubt, will think twice! WHY?
there's many times, especially new student to the class, will ask the teacher. nicole will say after the final pose, if you have any question you can ask, but if you ask, DONT ASK STUPID question!
analyse this: LG is has not been teaching in YZ or UY. but nicole still teaching in many places.
if you follow the blogs, you see uglykids identity. ??? am i wrong?
uglykid said...
only stupid people support TJ! all go to hell!
September 23, 2008 11:45 PM "Respect the fact!"
uglykid said...
You shut up la! Stupid sour yogurt! Like your *toot* mouth la!
September 24, 2008 12:15 AM "Respect the fact!"
uglykid said...
Anonymous at 12.19am, support your head la! You think you stupid I follow you? Support TJ? Ask him to slow slow wait la!
September 24, 2008 12:40 AM "Respect the fact!"
uglykid said...
scared? Scared your head, maybe. Anonymous 1.22am, agoin another nameless coward? Pity you!
September 30, 2008 3:22 AM "Where Had All The Money Gone?"
uglykid said...
Damn you, yogurt! may you die together with TJ andc bury six feet under!
October 1, 2008 11:22 AM "Where Had All The Money Gone?"
uglykid said...
stupid people asking stupid questions! who else? STUPID TJ la!
October 3, 2008 10:20 PM “WHO?”