30 December 2008

( Kuala Lumpur, 28th December) A female yoga practitioner was harrassed by a male yoga teacher, she was molested by the yoga teacher at his home and was force to perform oral sex to him, and nearly raped by him.
The victim is a 21 year-old female. With the company of her friends, she lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station to reveal this sex scandal of yoga teachers to the public.
The victim enrolled herself at one of the renowned yoga centre in kepong and came to know about this 28 year-old yoga teacher.
She mentioned that this yoga teacher is quite famous in the yoga world, and he was professional and well-behaved in the class. Besides teaching whole-heartedly, he is also kind enough to remind the students in the class if they over-exposed their body. The yoga teacher also exchanging phone number with the students so that students can reach him by phone to share the yoga knowledge.
"Since 2 months ago, he was exceptionally concerned about me, he will sms me personally when I didn't turn up for his class", she said," he also sms me last saturday and showed his favorable impression to me by inviting me for a date on Sunday."
Then, they met on Sunday and the yoga teacher invited her to his home at Cheras by giving an excuse that he wanted to pass her a present, as he is her yoga teacher, without any doubt, she followed him back.
"When I reached his house, he started to kiss me and hug me, he also asked me to perform oral sex to him and molested my private part. He took out a condom too."
She was nearly raped but the yoga teacher, fortunately he couldn't erect and didn't let this happened. The yoga teacher then drove him back to her house, the victim was extremely angry and annoyed with what happened and she then condemned the yoga teacher by sms and also refused to keep any further contact with him anymore.
Couple of days later, the victim received an sms from this yoga teacher and told her that he has 'lost interest' on her and also asked the victim not to sms him anymore. The victim only came to know that she was fooled and played out by this yoga teacher.
"I had never done anything wrong to her, I'm a gentleman", the yoga teacher said when interviewed by the reporter. He also told the reporter that though he has interests on the victim, but he just felt that he couldn't progress further with her, and he also believed that the victim can find a more compatible lover in the future, hence, he sms her and hope that she could let go of him.
When interviewed, the yoga teacher denied that he was teaching in any yoga centres in Kepong before, he also mentioned that he had quitted yoga as career for some time. However, the yoga teacher asked for the victim contact number from the reporter as he mentioned that he had deleted the victim's phone number. He also informed the reporter that his intention to obtain the victim's phone number is to understand the actual situation better from her. However, the reporter refused to provide the phone number of the victim to the yoga teacher in order to protect her interest.
When the reporter tried to contact the other friends of the victim, only the reporter came to know that the yoga teacher already contacted the victim and also lied to the victim that he had apologized about his wrong-doing to the reporter, he also tried to persuade the victim not to lodge any police report.
"I was all the while refusing to have any body contact with him, but he couldn't stop to take the advantage and molested me", the victim said. She also told the reporter that the yoga teacher is good in using sweet words to seduce her, and try to convince her to believe that he really likes her, that's the reason she agreed to meet him, but never expect this unfortunate incident to happen.
She also confessed that after this unfortunate harrassment, she experienced severe mental stress and was phobia to see or meet any male strangers. In order to have a relief from the mental stress and fear, she decided to let the whole world know about this sex scandal.
Lastly, she also told the reporter though she's extremely disappointed with this yoga teacher, she will not give up her yoga practice, and she hope that she can become a yoga teacher one day.
The victim is a 21 year-old female. With the company of her friends, she lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station to reveal this sex scandal of yoga teachers to the public.
The victim enrolled herself at one of the renowned yoga centre in kepong and came to know about this 28 year-old yoga teacher.
She mentioned that this yoga teacher is quite famous in the yoga world, and he was professional and well-behaved in the class. Besides teaching whole-heartedly, he is also kind enough to remind the students in the class if they over-exposed their body. The yoga teacher also exchanging phone number with the students so that students can reach him by phone to share the yoga knowledge.
"Since 2 months ago, he was exceptionally concerned about me, he will sms me personally when I didn't turn up for his class", she said," he also sms me last saturday and showed his favorable impression to me by inviting me for a date on Sunday."
Then, they met on Sunday and the yoga teacher invited her to his home at Cheras by giving an excuse that he wanted to pass her a present, as he is her yoga teacher, without any doubt, she followed him back.
"When I reached his house, he started to kiss me and hug me, he also asked me to perform oral sex to him and molested my private part. He took out a condom too."
She was nearly raped but the yoga teacher, fortunately he couldn't erect and didn't let this happened. The yoga teacher then drove him back to her house, the victim was extremely angry and annoyed with what happened and she then condemned the yoga teacher by sms and also refused to keep any further contact with him anymore.
Couple of days later, the victim received an sms from this yoga teacher and told her that he has 'lost interest' on her and also asked the victim not to sms him anymore. The victim only came to know that she was fooled and played out by this yoga teacher.
"I had never done anything wrong to her, I'm a gentleman", the yoga teacher said when interviewed by the reporter. He also told the reporter that though he has interests on the victim, but he just felt that he couldn't progress further with her, and he also believed that the victim can find a more compatible lover in the future, hence, he sms her and hope that she could let go of him.
When interviewed, the yoga teacher denied that he was teaching in any yoga centres in Kepong before, he also mentioned that he had quitted yoga as career for some time. However, the yoga teacher asked for the victim contact number from the reporter as he mentioned that he had deleted the victim's phone number. He also informed the reporter that his intention to obtain the victim's phone number is to understand the actual situation better from her. However, the reporter refused to provide the phone number of the victim to the yoga teacher in order to protect her interest.
When the reporter tried to contact the other friends of the victim, only the reporter came to know that the yoga teacher already contacted the victim and also lied to the victim that he had apologized about his wrong-doing to the reporter, he also tried to persuade the victim not to lodge any police report.
"I was all the while refusing to have any body contact with him, but he couldn't stop to take the advantage and molested me", the victim said. She also told the reporter that the yoga teacher is good in using sweet words to seduce her, and try to convince her to believe that he really likes her, that's the reason she agreed to meet him, but never expect this unfortunate incident to happen.
She also confessed that after this unfortunate harrassment, she experienced severe mental stress and was phobia to see or meet any male strangers. In order to have a relief from the mental stress and fear, she decided to let the whole world know about this sex scandal.
Lastly, she also told the reporter though she's extremely disappointed with this yoga teacher, she will not give up her yoga practice, and she hope that she can become a yoga teacher one day.
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hell!i am shame on this yoga teacher! Is he Indian or Chinese? I know there are two Indian yoga teachers love to invite members and female teachers to his apartment at damas, and also mnetioned in front of all the ladies that we shall 'try' indian, cause they are 'romantic' and 'skillful', whatever i said is all thr truth, we were eating together at Kim Gary, Damas last time, he say it in front of all of us, this indian is still with UXBXN YOGA now, he's P@ri!!!
i think this teacher should be "deepak", because last month he invite me to his house at cheras! but i rejected...
hey hey hey...anonymous, do check it right so that we don't mis-blame anyone, if yogurt is not wrong, deepak already back to India, anyone any updates?
Dear Yogurt,
Thanks for your much awaited translation.
Let this be a warning to all female practioners, whether he is a yoga teacher or a spiritual teacher we should always keep our distance. we should never be too close & personal with male teachers as they are only human too with desire & temptation. They may get the wrong idea when a female student is too nice, friendly. Though we are keen to learn more about yoga, don't take these yoga teachers as god. As they are humans, teachers may just misunderstand our good kindness
oh dear, I'm so moved with your encouragement, it means a lot to Yogurt. As you know, all the previous postings by Yogurt by speaking out the truth only came with attack and criticism. However, Yogurt only believe in nothing but the truth.
Once again, thank you, my dear anonymous 11.46pm.
Tj (bloger) are you on mentality problems???better seek doctor !!!really sick person
oh dear "yoga doc", do get your facts right first before your confrontation, I think you shall be the one look for pyschiatrist's consultation, cause if what you said is reasonable, then you shall be more sick, cause you are reaading something prepared by the so-called 'mental problem' blogger and even commented. Yogurt is really sick of those who can't stop attacking my blog as well.
Move on, don't hate TJ, don't hate Yogurt, can't you just get over from this?
Anyway, back to the topic, "I WAS MOLESTED BY MY YOGA TEACHER", so, are you the one? That's why you are so sick, "yoga doc"?
Hooray! New Year is just around the corner, Yogurt wishes everyone live a better life! Be happy and be nice to others!
I'm sorry that I'm not as gentle or lenient as other bloggers, I truly salute them, like yogalover, she's really good in control her emotion, Yogurt is too far behind. I was surprise when informed by friends that yogalover linked my translation of the "molestation" case at her blog. Thank you so much.
Thank you, for an adventurous and "roller-coastered" year, Yogurt will still hold the principles tightly, so those who wanna attack, get your facts right first. This is the cyber world, and it's mine.
Last but not least, all the best to all! Yogurt decided to start a new jazz club, will let everyone knows more very very soon.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!
yoga doc,
shame on your poor English!
"blogger", not "bloger";
"mental problem", not "mentality problem";
"see" doctor, or "consult" doctor, not "seek" doctor;
"really sick of you" or "you are really sick", not "really sick person";
learn English first, like what yogurt said, then only you post your comment, otherwise, post elsewhere, we love yogurt, not welcome you!
yogurt! Cool!
three musketeers, good one!
Ameen harrased my daughter before when my daugther was here for holidays, he is yoga creature! not yoga teacher!
OMG! do you mean the Dr. Ameen in Urban?
Before we start questioning/commenting with teachers' name in blog, pls ask yourself the following questions :-
1) Does that teacher even drive a car?
2) Does that teacher live in Cheras or Prima Damas, or any other place?
3) Is the teacher even Indian in the 1st place? Maybe, he's chinese, malay or even a caucasian. We shouldn't be so prejudice over races. We don't even know if the "so called yoga teacher" is of which race.
But then again, since some ppl has commented about these indian teachers, girls should exercise some caution towards them. They may seem tooo forward with their approach with girls that we malaysian girls get the "scared" feeling, maybe their culture is such. I myself have such an experience with one of the indian teacher asking me out for dinner eventhou I told him I am married.
4) How sure are you that supposingly "Gay teachers" don't also like girls. What guarantee do we have that gays only like men? Beware of gays too-they are not all that safe to be with.
in the news, it mention that the victim has lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station, any action taken by the police officer? it is not mention inside the story.
we as the reader wont know how true the story is.
of course it have it advantage at least we got a point here, girls must be more careful while attending male yoga intructors class. even after class, must keep a distance with these STRANGER, unless you know him very well, other wise dont easily follow them home.
Aiyah, after reading this 'Molested' stories, I wonder whether it's true or not?I use to attend ex yogazone for more than 2 years and I found out that mostly all the males teachers at Cheras are well behaved so far,no hanky panky or moved like 'sotong hand' so far,I think young girls now a days are more sensitive when a male teacher try to adjust their wrong positions and sometimes it was those girls who try to attract those males teachers by showing their half breast and some don't even wore bra,,just because they think they want to be like Pamela Anderson?Anyway, we don't know the real stories,only the young girl and the teacher,why the girl so 'bodoh' want to follow the teacher to the house?Im sure she interested in him,right?Sometimes when things don't turn out good, they started blaming each another faults,...do you think a teacher wanted to lose his CAREER just because of one girl?Anyway, can't blame that male teacher because last year when I attend deppak class,one young girl told me that she follow him from Melaka to K.L just to attend his class,so who's gila and gatal now???Young girls now a days would do anything to get a man ok?I ask few of the members in Urban yoga now about male teachers and their comments was don't simply blame on teachers sometimes it could be the students faults,after all,we members had seen few youngs girls showing off like Pamela Anderson..Well, I hope this incident can alert all the males teachers to be more careful when they correcting the students posters......
Well well.. it is nothing wrong to get molested since it is the girl who wanted to get hooked in the first place. If she bothers about all these, then be wise, why put yourself in such state. Why so fond over the little gifts ? Remember ther is no 'Free Lunch' in this world. You are paying for it somewhere somehow. Men like wolves, women like preys but the role may be otherwise reversible. Hence, happy 2009. Life is more than just that.