TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile Phone + Smiling Lips

Life is always great and life is always good. We have been living in darkness for some time without regular yoga practice, led by all the unknown source ( so-called 'reliable source' ) by only believing in what we heard over the vineyard.
We, urbanites ( not related to Hell Urban Yoga ), seem smart but dumb at the same time, what did we contribute to the whole incident happened in YZ's empire failure? Yes, in fact, we did contribute hell lot more than we think -- gossiped the rumours we heard, and spreading the rumours to others, I'm not too sure about other outlets, but from the classes I attended in Cheras Plaza, Plaza Damas and sometimes Taman Desa since May 2008, I can honestly tell you, the members couldn't live without talking about "YZ going to close down soon"; some of the yoga and pilates teachers ( included one of the so-called 'senior' teachers, I used to join her classes very often in Cheras, she used to be one of my favourite teacher, but no more since her first bad-mouthing about TJ and YZ, bear in mind she was also trained by TJ initially ) were happily adding salt to the wound. Gosh!
There was one biggest joke that I overheard from her, this 'senior teacher' while as her daily ritual, continue her gossips immediately after her class, that I truly laughed till my jaw dropped -- "I tell you all haaa, TJ is a professional liar, me as his 'Dai Tou Dai' ( first apprentice ) also won't support him, if you trust his one word you will also surely die, he can having his curry noodle ( some said nasi lemak later ), crying with tears, listening to the mobile phone and plead for sympathy and smile at his face, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!" ( My apology that I have to translate directly without changing the content of her speech ). I was trying to do it by visualizing putting all these actions together, I just couldn't stop laughing, particularly, some of the members still could believe this and spread the rumours to others ( and that's how it started as 'curry noodle' and ended as 'nasi lemak' ).
Dear all of us, pathetic members that package burnt and no more yoga at YZ, is this what we want? If yes, we had eventually succeed!
Next time, when you visit the "Dai Pai Dong' ( hawkers' stall ), try to order the curry noodle or nasi lemak and ask your friends or yourself to put all the acts I mentioned above together, I bet you can't do this 'super stunt'!
Who had seen TJ performed this stunt? According to this 'senior teacher', she, again, overheard it from someone! As usual, when she mentioned 'reliable source'; 'from someone but I can't tell you', you will never know who till now!
So, what says you now, Serena?
1. It's alright and it's understandable if those who have been blaming and accusing TJ all this while and you think that I'm TJ, i.e. Danny ( I doubt it's real name ), you just couldn't accept that you may blame someone mistakenly and unable to accept the fact, I never side TJ, but from the rumours and gossips I heard tooooooooo much, it's unbelievable, how rumours can bring the kingdom down, unless it's a conspired team vs a person.
2. Serena was thinking to take over Cheras Plaza from TJ at a cheap 100k ( according to my estimation, YC Cheras investment is at least RM 1 million onwards), she went against TJ while didn't get this deal and started to brainwash all other teachers, even those who are pro-TJ, included Dawid, Zen, Penny etc, as a senior remisier in a public-listed securities company, she definitely understands the business world well, to be a successful business woman, she of course knows the tactics to use in order to get what she wants. Yes, as long as she can make sure TJ has not even one more person to support him, then, she can easily do whatever she wants, she has been trying hard to be one of the culprits to Lay Gaik for the receivership, as the morning befor ethe receivership, she was happily calling to club manager at YC Cheras, Lilian, telling her that, "Your boss' company is finished by today la, and he will be jailed soon!", Tell me about it, if she's not on eof the culprits!!!
After the receivership, she has been trying hard to approach Ferrier Hodgson and PPB Hartabina ( Cheras Plaza's landlord ), hoping to take over Cheras outlet in any way she can, but opppsss.... she failed, it only proves one thing, there's God of Yoga watching what she's doing! Another insights, Serena is at the same age as Lay Gaik! Good sisters!
I told you, TJ, you should listen to me at the first place while I was so keen to explore further to work with you 3 years ago! You can blame no one for your baby ruined by others now!
- 2009 (5)
- December(1)
- October(6)
- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?
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- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?
Dear Yogurt,
I agree, I have never like Serena's class and her attitude, I used to join Lance Schuler's workshop together with her once, she used to respect Lance so much. But out of sudden, she told her students whatever Lance taught was ALL WRONG! Can you believe that? She's just taking every of her guru as a step stone for her to climb up!
She is the one with least yoga mind! I'm shame of joined her class last time, still think that she is real good. Regret!
OH MY GOD !!!!
anonymous (9.37pm): ARE YOU SURE?!!
SERENA GNAN wo? the one always position herself as so great? always got several big size, aged, talk alot and loud, homosexual ladies and guys keep following her side? heard they all aming on her money also, as she always said to many peoples, members like us, " me SERENA nothing much , just money alot! " , quite pity her also.
Heard quite much about her, as she always comment this teacher teaching wrong, that teacher do not know how to teach, SIGH~~ i just wondering, isit in this world, only one yoga teacher, SERENA?...
How could it be huh?
Dear trueyogalover,
well, I have never have good feel about her though I believe her teaching skills is not too bad, after all, yoga is a total workout for both body and mind, she definitely lack of the latter, a physical workout only cannot satisfy me. About her private life, I have no comment, but knowing she's driving a new mercedes, if not filthy rich, should be quite rich. ;-)
So many teachers in YZ were certified by Lance, so does it mean all teaching of them teach in a wrong way? This is a real eye opener to me!
She has few sisters, all are damn noisy, they always think yoga zone is like their house, all speak loudly in Hakka, like pasar malam. Really low class! Cheap!
I tried this morning while having breakfast, i can't do it! but my boy friend can woh! hahaha!
Hi Urban yoghurt,
I agree with u, when I first attended serena's class ( after hearing that shes good)I did not have a good "feel" about her,something was just not right, but I continued her classes coz i find her quite gd in terms of teaching ( that was before i discovered Nico's class,she was even better and if not a nicer and genuine teacher).
Anyway, all these so called yoga "teachers" should
know abt Karma Yoga, and what goes around comes around, no one can escape this golden rule!
I guess your curry mee is not spicy enough. ha ha ha. record your bf while doing it and show us mar.
i believe yoga is not just about how well you can strike a post or by how long one has been teaching it. A new yoga teacher can be as good. I think we can clearly see this situation in our own education system (our beloved government school). Senior teacher does not mean they are good in teaching the kids, some new teachers are much more outstanding and efficient in teaching. So who is good and who is bad? and most important thing is not to bad mouth each other. Personally i have attended Serena class a few times, i personally heard she commented about others, which surprised me, why she is doing that? Isn't it is better to tell the person directly or the management rather than tell the members about her opinions.
Dear anonymous@2.43pm,
Like what anonymous@9.37pm Sept 21 said, if she can even condemn Lance and TJ, you can quite know her personality. Anyway, this is very individual, as far as I'm concerned, she's definitely not my cup of tea, let's call a spade a spade.
Dear anonymous@2.36pm,
Ha ha! I recorded with my handphone, but he deleted already cause he said very ugly. maybe Serena should perform at urban yoga studio!
I don't know Serena's private life, but for me she is really an excellent
yoga teacher. Her instruction is clear and she always share with us what she'd learned from the workshop.
Think that's why her class always full house! I've been following her class for more than two years and i really enjoy it.
yes, she can be a good physical teacher, but definitely not with her mind and her mouth, last time she went to myoga to interview, rejected because too old.
Dear myoga adrian,
so myoga only recruits young teachers and discriminate against more experienced and qualified teachers? Is that why there are so few intermediate and advance yoga classes?
myoga also have challenging class, but we never force members to perform stunts, like Gilbert, Serena and Ken do.
Personally I enjoy Serena and Gilbert's class very much. I don't think that they are performing stunt.
i also attended Serena & Nicole's class before, honestly they are not a bad teacher but unfortunately they are only putting the attention to thier regular student! All the students at the back they just don't care!
Dear Myoga
I disaagree with u. YZ teachers never force us to do advance postures. They are really caring person and always make sure we are safe.