Where Had All The Money Gone?

Every single member in YZ and every single employee will definitely have this big huge fat question in their mind! And the only answer they will have is "TJ cheated everyone's money!"; "TJ conned everyone's money!"; "TJ's family are the morons!"
As both pro-Lay Gaik and pro-TJ parties said,"The truth will eventually be revealed!" Lay Gaik had planned and outlined this perfect crime for long time, and now the fact is simple, "Lay Gaik wins! All others lose!"
Think back, we always choose to believe that TJ is the conman and most selfish man, that's why all his so-called best friends, best employees and family members decided to leave him and fight for justice!
Is this the truth? Or there's possibly another story? No one knows! Fundamentally, follow the laws of nature, there are always two sides of every single story. Then, why did they do so?
It's really hard to believe this fact and you can still choose not to believe, putting this in the blog and not passing this to the police force is simply giving them another chance to live! Unlike those who are taking every single opportunity for TJ to live again!
Suspected personnel involved: Sales Consultant/ Club Manager/ Sales Manager
Looking at the Receipt NO. 4265 as above, which was the original copy, just by using common sense, everyone knows that the particulars and amount filled in the original receipt must be identical to the carbon copy of the same receipt.
This is truly a complete shock to me when one of the ex-front liners in YZ showed these few documents to me. As much as I know, TJ had actually asked the Sales Manager at that time ( you should know who by now if you have been following my blog ) to investigate this case ( there are conservatively hundreds of these kind of cases in YZ! ), neither did she investigate nor feedback to TJ about this though been asking to do it for weeks.
What does that mean? If you see clearly the original receipt was actually "corrected" by correction pen, however, when you look at the carbon copy, it was left blank and cancelled! What scenario am I thinking of?
The most probable scenario is :-
Don't believe in what I am saying? The back of the receipt clearly reflected what had been "corrected"! Gosh! An amount of RM 747 has gone to others pocket! If it's true, any dedicated manager will immediately catch this person to prevent further damage to the company! But why did the Sales Manager in charge at that time never ( or maybe never wanted to ) do anything about it? Or could it be possible that this is the "join-effort"?
- 2009 (5)
- December(1)
- October(6)
- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?
Blog Archive
- Where Had All The Money Gone?
- Well done! Monteiro and Heng Ji Keng from Ferrier ...
- Respect the fact!
- 7sins of YZ -- Chapter 2 The greedy gets greedier ...
- TJ's Super Stunt = Curry Noodle + Tears + Mobile P...
- 7 sins of YZ - Chapter 1 The beginning is the end !?
- 7 sins of YZ - Preface
- Urban Yoga? Urban Yogurt?
Yes, many of the consultants are taking advantage like this and they kill YZ!
no use to tell story...
yoga zone already dead.
members money gone into drain, the staffs salary also gone in the wind.
too late to tell any story now.
if got proof, report to the police.
if you know TJ, ask him return our money!!!!!
we are innocence.
Yoga zone dead is because of these people, members' money gone to drain because of they cheated the money! TJ is bad, but no one in the company is good. TJ will definitely take actions, you will see.
Good! quickly take action and update us the progress & outcome. We members want to know the real story behind, at least the money burned in return to hear some interesting stories, better than nothing mah..
take actions? Ask him to go to hell la! He's making up all these stories to ruin urban yoga! TJ, you will die faster!
i was so shock when i read this post, as an x yz staff(Front desk cum consuntant cum Ambassador)
i never tot this method is useful for other outlet!
Again, to the "adorable" and very entertaining UGLYKID,
Why are u still attacking TJ? Are you that scared that he may make a " come back"? ( didnt get a chance to read ur response as joshua deleted my question and also ur reply :))
dear Joshua,
I can understand how you feel, but too bad. It's over. I just received some shocking evidence. Will post progressively throughout the holidays. Stay tune. ;-)
the sucker manager is paullin long! This phillipino cheated me at centro also, asked me to buy lifetime then she herself go to hell already! And also another sucker named yvonne! Her gang to cheat people's money!
I can say nothing but a surely thing that she's a loser.
the god is looking. whoever is wrong.. sure will have their BAO YING.
cursing ppl wont make urself feel good. u just trying to do that to calm ur guiltiness
completely agree, the god is watching. I couldn't control my emotion now cause it doesn't only mark the end of my package, but the end of this yoga utopia.
Listen! All the culprits and lay gaik, TJ, this is my curse to all of you, whoever involved to ruin YZ, you will die anytime!
uglykid.. are u scared TJ might take action against u?
are u scared u will have BAO YING??
i dun know whether u are the real person who cause the down fall of yogazone. but from ur wording, i can sense that ur anger is just trying to hide the feeling of scared and guilty.
sorry.. i might be wrong
scared? Scared your head, maybe. Anonymous 1.22am, agoin another nameless coward? Pity you!
Hi Uglykid,
By reading more and more your comments, it makes me very curious that are you really a yoga teacher?
Sorry to say that from all your comments and words, I can only see a negative mind... I really wish to know who are you, I means your real name and I believe all the bloggers and readers have the same interest as me as well.
Then uglykid is ur real name?u are coward also!!!damn uglykid!stupid uglykid!go to hell la...everyday TJ...TJ...TJ...u must be love him very much.
Tj,becareful, uglykid love u for long time,she is horny and lost control now,she will rape you anytime!so TJ,please wear "safety" underwear 24 hours!
my comment in Joshua blog was deleted.never mind,i know yogurt wont delete my comment here!uglykid,u read properly!
u have pussy right?yea...i have a big "black" cock,u want me to bang ur smelly pussy?i know u like "black black" one!o...no..no...no...i dont think i want to "do" u,i dont want to get transmitted with "uglykid pussy desease",cause it will shrink any mans dick to micro-penis...phhuuiii!!!!!
u ask me to watch out,i see u everyday in HELL URBAN YOGA,GUESS who am i???
one more thing,my mum want to see ur mums pussy,she want to see how damage it is after giving birth to u!!!
Why this uglykid so angry this TJ....Why u so afraid Urban will be affected with this rumours...R u an owner of Urban ?? No point v argue with no purpose... V all r victim lah...
anonymous 1140am,
uglykid is not the victim la, she is the pet of LG!
uglykid.. when i challenge u in joshua's blogto be brave to give us ur true identity since u so brave.. u ma also coward dun dare to tell us reveal ur true identity and ask us to shut up.
wan to say ppl coward u sendiri also coward la.
pity uglykid.....another coward who dun dare to reveal his true identity
The management or who ever did this is so bad...but...when you work in YZ for sometimes, when you realise that your EPF, SOCSO, TAX were being deducted but not paid to respective agency...when you report and the labour office, KWSP & LHDN were not able to help...
Whose fault is that?
Smart readers, please thick!
TJ! wont you get tired? everyone's moving forward! everyone is happily moving forward! you still so 'busy' use so many identities to write here, write there with dirties words!
can you spam this TJ? he's mad already! don't think everyone here likes to see him write so many bad words! yoga body yoga mind please!
dear uglykid,
spam tj? No way. As if he can really use so many identities to give feedback, he's better than Jim Carrey in The Mask, furthermore, if it's really TJ, it's just as entertaining as you, uglykid. I won't spam anyone of you, darling.
Damn you, yogurt! may you die together with TJ andc bury six feet under!
Ivan is the manager that cheat money!
Ivan, that fellow, cheated our members money! always bad mouth this teacher that teacher, this staff, that staff, another cunning puppet of Paullin! no cock!
I didnt receive this types of receipt when i sign for my package few months back...
They only issues 1 letter to me while I thought it is d official receipt...
Whole YZ..so hopeless...
Ooooh UGLYKID,ur such a CUTIEPIE when ur angry!Yeeesh geramnya!!
Im one of the lucky ones whose membership expired last mth,but if i were not that lucky,no way would i pay another rm88 every month!Yes i love yoga and yes some of the gd teachers i like are still with UY,but no way am i a sucker to be paying another mthly fee of rm88 to UY and LG( after the way she left us in the dark drg receivership and ignoring our questions) Sorry, my fav teachers,I will not attend ur classes in UY but I will attend ur classes elsewhere.
i'm a bit pissed off why some of us who left yogazone (who were the ones earning every single cent) are suffering like mad, where else others can renovate houses, buy cars, get married, travelling abroad and still don't need to work to enjoy their lavish lifestyle........... what the hell wei.........
now i feel i should have sold my soul and went with the bad crowd........ to all those who helped screw up life for the rest of us.........remember this "what goes around comes around" u can bet on that!!!!!!
Uglykid, many may say you are an evil but I still say that you are an adorable teacher to me, except for some non favouring habbits, which everyone has it in different ways. However, your comments "shock my life" when I still have lots of respect for you. I really hope and pray that you are not Nicole.
Dont know whether admin will approve my posting but these are my genuine, frank and no holds barred thoughts..
Me and my wife has invested about 10K into YZ membership and being middle income earners, it is really painful.
So, to YJ and all those responsible to the mismanagement of YZ..
1. May all your male descendants become beggars
2. May all your femal descendants become whores
3. May your penis shrivel and grown inward
4. And may you rot in hell
urban yogurt,
it has been few months already and i finally managed to pull myself together though still struggling with $ because still (may be won't be getting any) haven't receive any unpaid salaries from yz. Many customers and friends has been very helpful & supportive & help me to move on. Thanks to them, i'm now happy with my new job, which is NO SALES related. think i'm phobia with sales line for now.
OMG, i too, was shocked (with my jaws drop open) to c the receipt that you posted. i never thought i will c it.
i have a very similar case of this too. back in yz, i work as a consultant too. My lovely customer at my outlet YZ intro her friend to me but she like to sign up at YC sri petaling outlet when ivan is in charge of the outlet. but of course, the sales 'makan' by another consultant. unsatisfied, i called paulin, the customer, and ivan for further investigation. after some time, paulin said the sales belongs to SP consultant not me. later said no sales la. feeling disappointed, but thxs to yoga&pilates classes, i was able to calm down but still fed up with their dishonest and ugly style/manner of handling things.
Then, 1 front desk in SP called and even provided me with the receipt. she was helpful, and thxs to that, i know who's the culprit and what is happening. they issue the original receipt to customer, collect the cash payment. next, when it comes to the sales report, they cancelled off(VOID) the receipt, cash masuk poket sendiri lo), and reported different sales figure to HQ. just say that customer dont want the membership liao, so, cancelled lo.
i remember there are a few times when yz future faces uncertainties, when customer are as worried as i am that i asked paulin and some yz mgmt 'will the company survive for another year?', ' can yz stand for 1 more year because i have a customer who wants to sign up but i scare to sign her up'... all say: YES, can, depends lo, if customer want to sign just sign them up la why worry so much bla bla bla... SIGH. so sickening. i finally give up by resigning after trying to stay with yz praying they will revive and make a comeback stronger.
from that moment on, i'm careful with all cash transaction, i passed all the cash collection to my district manager and make sure she acknowledge receive of the cash by signing it.
i may not have got my salaries yet, my 13months epf and unpaid income tax, but i do not want to have nightmares or sleepless night or anything bad. many tell me to take the cash as my unpaid salaries etc. some even called me stupid for not keeping/taking the cash as collateral in case anything happen to the company. but my point of view is, no police will knock on my door with hand cuff. i didnt owe any of my customer's money. the company and those XXXXX did. i may be poorer but i look at this way now: a very expensive lesson learnt :D thxs to paulin, ivan & his girlfriend whose wardrobe has nothing but mini skirt, and gang.