19 July 2009

yogurt would like to bring out a point that some of you maybe interested and some of you may not?
for those may be interested, continue the reading; for those may not, please leave my blog now.
Ken, or more commonly known as Ken Lim, one of the "hottest" pilates and "chi pilates" instructor in town, currently teaching at newly established "B" yoga and "anal G", seemed to be one of the most experienced instructors in town and had conducted massive teachers' training workshops and training courses by certifying teachers under the "pilates" term.
He had verbally telling lots of members and instructors that he's certified under "polestar pilates" ( www.polestarpilates.com ), however, the funny thing is, how many of us really do a check of the quality and certification of the instructors before we start to follow their classes, bearing in mind that when you talk about pilates, you are talking about body core muscles and technical knowledge, which is equivalent to seeing a chiropractic professional.
To yogurt's surprise, when I browsed through the polestar pilates official website recently, I see no name under "Ken", or "Ken Lim", or "Lim Kee Heng" at all. Again, due to my curiosity, yogurt wrote an email to double confirm with polestar pilates webmaster about this name that may be left out from their website due to quite-impossible technical problem, the answer is still negative. Ken had never taken any of their courses and they don't have his name even checked out from the thorough list of certified instructors as you can see below:

The question now is, Ken, are you truly a certified pilates instructor? I may misinterpreted what you said due to my bad memory and you may have never mention "polestar", if so, can you enlighten me which pilates certification have you obtained before you start teaching and also before you start to certify other instructors like "Eden" and the notorious Cheras big mouth instrutor "Stefanie"?
Another question comes again, it was being told that "chi pilates" is your lawfully patented training program, however, when yogurt, again, doing another search locally, yes, "chi pilates" is patented, but not under your name, so Ken Lim, who are you actually? Are you telling us the truth?
Many of you can be blindly believe in what you are learning is good for your body before you have problems like yogurt, knee's pain, back pain when you aged, though you get the satisfaction by "instructed" or "touched" by a gorgeous instructor as woman's own indecent imagination.
It's too late when you break your bone one day, as the instructor will only claim that it's your own bloody fault as you don't follow their instruction. Muscle pain is acceptable for up to 48 hours after the class, anything more than that simply means you are injured, have you woke up? Or you still live in your own beautiful Hindu movie world with the instructor?
yogurt has written a series of insights and to celebrate 7.20 Justice Day, we have this as the first article to publish online.
yogurt welcome any legal matters, ( should there be any ), and yogurt is here, to challenge the first culprit of LG:
Ken, Lim Kee Heng, are you a certified pilates instructor?
25 February 2009
Peace on Earth? Damn! It's Rest-In-Peace

I had came across a biggest joker in bloggers' world last year, and without any other nomination, the following post by one of the domestic bloggers had won the award of "The Joker's Blog of the Year 2008". Well, it's hard to believe that this notorious blogger has camouflaged herself to be a housewife, a mother and a genuine yoga practitioner in order to carry out her mission to ruin the previous yoga kingdom in Malaysia.

If you are aware of which "blog" that basically brought yz to the end, definitely you won't be surprise when i quote the above blogger's blog.
Looking at the "record" of 6,218 pageviews that she may presumably thought that she was the one who created, but the fact is the fact, look at her clicks recently, it's pathetically logged on by the viewers, reason? simple, no one will be interested to view a middle-age crisis woman writing about her daughters and dog and now even worse, promoting alcoholic drinks to yogis. What a bXXch!
Well, when the ex-founder of yz using her blog as a platform, he was thinking to be truthful, sincere and honest to the public and hence attacked by the culprits, however, he was still only telling the truth but nothing more than the truth from day one.
Some of the comments were defamatory and going very personal, but this middle-age auntie ( must have been away from the corporate world and don't really know how's the development and the progress of the society ) just "felt" that it was not ridiculous and she did mention it was "controllable". So, what did she ultimately manage to control?
I have no choice but cornered to believe that she's one of the culprits of LG, and that's there's definitely seperate agenda behind this conspiracy.
Well, Madam J, your time is up soon, you will see.

If you are aware of which "blog" that basically brought yz to the end, definitely you won't be surprise when i quote the above blogger's blog.
Looking at the "record" of 6,218 pageviews that she may presumably thought that she was the one who created, but the fact is the fact, look at her clicks recently, it's pathetically logged on by the viewers, reason? simple, no one will be interested to view a middle-age crisis woman writing about her daughters and dog and now even worse, promoting alcoholic drinks to yogis. What a bXXch!
Well, when the ex-founder of yz using her blog as a platform, he was thinking to be truthful, sincere and honest to the public and hence attacked by the culprits, however, he was still only telling the truth but nothing more than the truth from day one.
Some of the comments were defamatory and going very personal, but this middle-age auntie ( must have been away from the corporate world and don't really know how's the development and the progress of the society ) just "felt" that it was not ridiculous and she did mention it was "controllable". So, what did she ultimately manage to control?
I have no choice but cornered to believe that she's one of the culprits of LG, and that's there's definitely seperate agenda behind this conspiracy.
Well, Madam J, your time is up soon, you will see.
17 January 2009
Sick of this woman ( or you may call her a 'bitch‘!)

a very interesting finding that one of the most 'renowned' ( or 'notorious' ) blogger in yoga world is reading my blog.
a finding about my good friend may be used again in order for her to maintain her popularity, i can completely undertstand when you need to survive through the advertisements, which yogurt never believe in one.
'betray'? 'second'? 'third' chance? who you think you are? the almight judge? if not, keep your **** mouth shut, don't create fire here just because you are too free.
'you all know who's behind yogaloft?', so who do you think you know? don't just hear it over the vineyard like most of the middle age aunties with few kids do, go and check it out from SSM, then you will have a clearer picutre.
i can understand when you see many of your postings only got one or two pathetic comments, if you want sparks, find it elsewhere. And, I don't welcome you to read my blog, die far far, the blogger that killed yoga in Malaysia!!!
30 December 2008

( Kuala Lumpur, 28th December) A female yoga practitioner was harrassed by a male yoga teacher, she was molested by the yoga teacher at his home and was force to perform oral sex to him, and nearly raped by him.
The victim is a 21 year-old female. With the company of her friends, she lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station to reveal this sex scandal of yoga teachers to the public.
The victim enrolled herself at one of the renowned yoga centre in kepong and came to know about this 28 year-old yoga teacher.
She mentioned that this yoga teacher is quite famous in the yoga world, and he was professional and well-behaved in the class. Besides teaching whole-heartedly, he is also kind enough to remind the students in the class if they over-exposed their body. The yoga teacher also exchanging phone number with the students so that students can reach him by phone to share the yoga knowledge.
"Since 2 months ago, he was exceptionally concerned about me, he will sms me personally when I didn't turn up for his class", she said," he also sms me last saturday and showed his favorable impression to me by inviting me for a date on Sunday."
Then, they met on Sunday and the yoga teacher invited her to his home at Cheras by giving an excuse that he wanted to pass her a present, as he is her yoga teacher, without any doubt, she followed him back.
"When I reached his house, he started to kiss me and hug me, he also asked me to perform oral sex to him and molested my private part. He took out a condom too."
She was nearly raped but the yoga teacher, fortunately he couldn't erect and didn't let this happened. The yoga teacher then drove him back to her house, the victim was extremely angry and annoyed with what happened and she then condemned the yoga teacher by sms and also refused to keep any further contact with him anymore.
Couple of days later, the victim received an sms from this yoga teacher and told her that he has 'lost interest' on her and also asked the victim not to sms him anymore. The victim only came to know that she was fooled and played out by this yoga teacher.
"I had never done anything wrong to her, I'm a gentleman", the yoga teacher said when interviewed by the reporter. He also told the reporter that though he has interests on the victim, but he just felt that he couldn't progress further with her, and he also believed that the victim can find a more compatible lover in the future, hence, he sms her and hope that she could let go of him.
When interviewed, the yoga teacher denied that he was teaching in any yoga centres in Kepong before, he also mentioned that he had quitted yoga as career for some time. However, the yoga teacher asked for the victim contact number from the reporter as he mentioned that he had deleted the victim's phone number. He also informed the reporter that his intention to obtain the victim's phone number is to understand the actual situation better from her. However, the reporter refused to provide the phone number of the victim to the yoga teacher in order to protect her interest.
When the reporter tried to contact the other friends of the victim, only the reporter came to know that the yoga teacher already contacted the victim and also lied to the victim that he had apologized about his wrong-doing to the reporter, he also tried to persuade the victim not to lodge any police report.
"I was all the while refusing to have any body contact with him, but he couldn't stop to take the advantage and molested me", the victim said. She also told the reporter that the yoga teacher is good in using sweet words to seduce her, and try to convince her to believe that he really likes her, that's the reason she agreed to meet him, but never expect this unfortunate incident to happen.
She also confessed that after this unfortunate harrassment, she experienced severe mental stress and was phobia to see or meet any male strangers. In order to have a relief from the mental stress and fear, she decided to let the whole world know about this sex scandal.
Lastly, she also told the reporter though she's extremely disappointed with this yoga teacher, she will not give up her yoga practice, and she hope that she can become a yoga teacher one day.
The victim is a 21 year-old female. With the company of her friends, she lodged the police report at Cheras Police Station to reveal this sex scandal of yoga teachers to the public.
The victim enrolled herself at one of the renowned yoga centre in kepong and came to know about this 28 year-old yoga teacher.
She mentioned that this yoga teacher is quite famous in the yoga world, and he was professional and well-behaved in the class. Besides teaching whole-heartedly, he is also kind enough to remind the students in the class if they over-exposed their body. The yoga teacher also exchanging phone number with the students so that students can reach him by phone to share the yoga knowledge.
"Since 2 months ago, he was exceptionally concerned about me, he will sms me personally when I didn't turn up for his class", she said," he also sms me last saturday and showed his favorable impression to me by inviting me for a date on Sunday."
Then, they met on Sunday and the yoga teacher invited her to his home at Cheras by giving an excuse that he wanted to pass her a present, as he is her yoga teacher, without any doubt, she followed him back.
"When I reached his house, he started to kiss me and hug me, he also asked me to perform oral sex to him and molested my private part. He took out a condom too."
She was nearly raped but the yoga teacher, fortunately he couldn't erect and didn't let this happened. The yoga teacher then drove him back to her house, the victim was extremely angry and annoyed with what happened and she then condemned the yoga teacher by sms and also refused to keep any further contact with him anymore.
Couple of days later, the victim received an sms from this yoga teacher and told her that he has 'lost interest' on her and also asked the victim not to sms him anymore. The victim only came to know that she was fooled and played out by this yoga teacher.
"I had never done anything wrong to her, I'm a gentleman", the yoga teacher said when interviewed by the reporter. He also told the reporter that though he has interests on the victim, but he just felt that he couldn't progress further with her, and he also believed that the victim can find a more compatible lover in the future, hence, he sms her and hope that she could let go of him.
When interviewed, the yoga teacher denied that he was teaching in any yoga centres in Kepong before, he also mentioned that he had quitted yoga as career for some time. However, the yoga teacher asked for the victim contact number from the reporter as he mentioned that he had deleted the victim's phone number. He also informed the reporter that his intention to obtain the victim's phone number is to understand the actual situation better from her. However, the reporter refused to provide the phone number of the victim to the yoga teacher in order to protect her interest.
When the reporter tried to contact the other friends of the victim, only the reporter came to know that the yoga teacher already contacted the victim and also lied to the victim that he had apologized about his wrong-doing to the reporter, he also tried to persuade the victim not to lodge any police report.
"I was all the while refusing to have any body contact with him, but he couldn't stop to take the advantage and molested me", the victim said. She also told the reporter that the yoga teacher is good in using sweet words to seduce her, and try to convince her to believe that he really likes her, that's the reason she agreed to meet him, but never expect this unfortunate incident to happen.
She also confessed that after this unfortunate harrassment, she experienced severe mental stress and was phobia to see or meet any male strangers. In order to have a relief from the mental stress and fear, she decided to let the whole world know about this sex scandal.
Lastly, she also told the reporter though she's extremely disappointed with this yoga teacher, she will not give up her yoga practice, and she hope that she can become a yoga teacher one day.
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