25 February 2009
Peace on Earth? Damn! It's Rest-In-Peace

I had came across a biggest joker in bloggers' world last year, and without any other nomination, the following post by one of the domestic bloggers had won the award of "The Joker's Blog of the Year 2008". Well, it's hard to believe that this notorious blogger has camouflaged herself to be a housewife, a mother and a genuine yoga practitioner in order to carry out her mission to ruin the previous yoga kingdom in Malaysia.

If you are aware of which "blog" that basically brought yz to the end, definitely you won't be surprise when i quote the above blogger's blog.
Looking at the "record" of 6,218 pageviews that she may presumably thought that she was the one who created, but the fact is the fact, look at her clicks recently, it's pathetically logged on by the viewers, reason? simple, no one will be interested to view a middle-age crisis woman writing about her daughters and dog and now even worse, promoting alcoholic drinks to yogis. What a bXXch!
Well, when the ex-founder of yz using her blog as a platform, he was thinking to be truthful, sincere and honest to the public and hence attacked by the culprits, however, he was still only telling the truth but nothing more than the truth from day one.
Some of the comments were defamatory and going very personal, but this middle-age auntie ( must have been away from the corporate world and don't really know how's the development and the progress of the society ) just "felt" that it was not ridiculous and she did mention it was "controllable". So, what did she ultimately manage to control?
I have no choice but cornered to believe that she's one of the culprits of LG, and that's there's definitely seperate agenda behind this conspiracy.
Well, Madam J, your time is up soon, you will see.

If you are aware of which "blog" that basically brought yz to the end, definitely you won't be surprise when i quote the above blogger's blog.
Looking at the "record" of 6,218 pageviews that she may presumably thought that she was the one who created, but the fact is the fact, look at her clicks recently, it's pathetically logged on by the viewers, reason? simple, no one will be interested to view a middle-age crisis woman writing about her daughters and dog and now even worse, promoting alcoholic drinks to yogis. What a bXXch!
Well, when the ex-founder of yz using her blog as a platform, he was thinking to be truthful, sincere and honest to the public and hence attacked by the culprits, however, he was still only telling the truth but nothing more than the truth from day one.
Some of the comments were defamatory and going very personal, but this middle-age auntie ( must have been away from the corporate world and don't really know how's the development and the progress of the society ) just "felt" that it was not ridiculous and she did mention it was "controllable". So, what did she ultimately manage to control?
I have no choice but cornered to believe that she's one of the culprits of LG, and that's there's definitely seperate agenda behind this conspiracy.
Well, Madam J, your time is up soon, you will see.
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really jibai loh! she's actually the one who helped LG ah? better die far far!
i hate this "madam J' alot, i know she is the one that let so many bad stuffs happened until uncontrollable.. and her style of handling her blog, is so unfair, and biased.. god blessed her! she will get the consequences for wat she has done!
you are such a pathetic woman! if your husband doesn't give you enough allowance, we can collectively giving you the RM 99 like last time to donate to your luxury lifestyle to drink your "Voga" and travelling abroad.
Why do you want to join force with the stupid lay gaik and ruined yoga zone and tj?
may you be sent to the hell as early as possible!
i just replied at www.yogalover88.blogspot.com and also www.yogsjess.com about the dumb comments made by CK, the leg killer that still teaching pilates by learning from an uncertified pilates teacher, Ken and also the 4-limbs creature but thinking that he/she or it has 8-limbs ashtanga lover! what a fXXk! They truly think that they are gods like they know everything, they are definitely one of the yoga teachers last time in YZ, if my instinct is right, ashtanga lover is the stupid botak gay yoga teacher that always hang out wkth men at frangipani and marketplace gay clubs, Azmi from singapore!
you mean Ken, the ex YZ pilates instructor is not certified!....ohh no
Hi lanhwa,
why do u not like azmi?i have not attended his class before but I ve heard that he is a good teacher and I am thinking of attending his classes soon.do enlighten me :)
i never hate azmi, i only 对事不对人。i have my own private class yoga teacher with my family and i don't necessarily going to any of the yoga centres in town now. I am just voicing out what i want to say and show my supports to my fellow buddies.
you may go his class, i joined once, not what i want, nothing wrong with Azmi's class, but just that I prefer something more restorative and gentle.
dear lan hwa,
if u dont hate azmi then why do u refer to him as "stupid botak gay teacher"? That is JUST PLAIN RUDE.
dear puzzled,
when you step on someone's tail, this is something you can expect to get back, included you and me and even if yogurt.
hei, Zha Boh!
Don't pull me into your water!
your analysis is very logical and reasonable, i just log on to her blog again, hell! she's travelling again to Beijing, where does all the money come from fora housewife cum blogger? unless there's special source of income.
you are too lenient lah, if someone step on my tail, i will chop his head down! haha!
beware! all the ghosts like leg killer, uglykid etc come out in yogajess blog already, must be trying to cover their own ass!
please so something, the suckers of LG all go and stir yogalover's blog!
Oh...she got open few blog in promote her slimming plum.
plum? or plump?
she has a pear-shape body, should be promoting 'pear' then!
yes, jess is definitely lay gaik's culprit. thanks for your sharp eyes, yogurt!
hi, i just came across your blog accidentally by clicking on the link in another blog while looking for some yoga review. now, i don't know what had happened here with the owners of other blogs but i can see that there're a lot of angry and vulgar words here.you and your readers may have valid reasons to be pissed but however, i just want to say, move on and wish you guys all the best. sometimes, it;s good to forgive and forget.
Dear anonymous 3.50pm,
said is easier than done, when things happen to you, i bet you will react the same way as we do. Justice is the only word that we are fighting for!
make peace my friends, let it go, don't affect my yoga practice at Energy Yoga... i have already let it go
anonymous 12.35pm,
oh...alright, you are the "energy" member! so, are you trying to convince me to make peace SIMPLY for your personal interest as you are practicing yoga at that place? let me enlighten you now, NO WAY! Your request is rejected, if energy is in no way relevant to LG, you can be rest assured that they are in the safe hand, IF they are found related, then good luck to you all.
last but not least, do i know you? why do you call me your "friend"? strange...