19 July 2009

yogurt would like to bring out a point that some of you maybe interested and some of you may not?
for those may be interested, continue the reading; for those may not, please leave my blog now.
Ken, or more commonly known as Ken Lim, one of the "hottest" pilates and "chi pilates" instructor in town, currently teaching at newly established "B" yoga and "anal G", seemed to be one of the most experienced instructors in town and had conducted massive teachers' training workshops and training courses by certifying teachers under the "pilates" term.
He had verbally telling lots of members and instructors that he's certified under "polestar pilates" ( www.polestarpilates.com ), however, the funny thing is, how many of us really do a check of the quality and certification of the instructors before we start to follow their classes, bearing in mind that when you talk about pilates, you are talking about body core muscles and technical knowledge, which is equivalent to seeing a chiropractic professional.
To yogurt's surprise, when I browsed through the polestar pilates official website recently, I see no name under "Ken", or "Ken Lim", or "Lim Kee Heng" at all. Again, due to my curiosity, yogurt wrote an email to double confirm with polestar pilates webmaster about this name that may be left out from their website due to quite-impossible technical problem, the answer is still negative. Ken had never taken any of their courses and they don't have his name even checked out from the thorough list of certified instructors as you can see below:

The question now is, Ken, are you truly a certified pilates instructor? I may misinterpreted what you said due to my bad memory and you may have never mention "polestar", if so, can you enlighten me which pilates certification have you obtained before you start teaching and also before you start to certify other instructors like "Eden" and the notorious Cheras big mouth instrutor "Stefanie"?
Another question comes again, it was being told that "chi pilates" is your lawfully patented training program, however, when yogurt, again, doing another search locally, yes, "chi pilates" is patented, but not under your name, so Ken Lim, who are you actually? Are you telling us the truth?
Many of you can be blindly believe in what you are learning is good for your body before you have problems like yogurt, knee's pain, back pain when you aged, though you get the satisfaction by "instructed" or "touched" by a gorgeous instructor as woman's own indecent imagination.
It's too late when you break your bone one day, as the instructor will only claim that it's your own bloody fault as you don't follow their instruction. Muscle pain is acceptable for up to 48 hours after the class, anything more than that simply means you are injured, have you woke up? Or you still live in your own beautiful Hindu movie world with the instructor?
yogurt has written a series of insights and to celebrate 7.20 Justice Day, we have this as the first article to publish online.
yogurt welcome any legal matters, ( should there be any ), and yogurt is here, to challenge the first culprit of LG:
Ken, Lim Kee Heng, are you a certified pilates instructor?
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Hi yoghurt,
I have always enjoyed Ken's pilates classes as they are always challenging and also he makes the class fun, It has nothing to do with looks etc.I seriously do not care if he is certified or not coz I can see results with my body and I feel good and happy after a strenous workout from his class.I am sure there are others who feel the same.
shit.. i've been cheated by this ken for so long.. no wonder his teaching in class is so not smooth! @#!%$@#$!@
dear iluvpilates,
i absolutely agree with your point of view, i am more than happy to join ken's class as i used to ( but no more after collapse of yz ), i acknowledge his own method of "workout regime" and flow, however, the issue here is, pilates is a contemporary practice with it's own set of guidelines and measurement, Ken shall not simply quoting his class as "pilates", if so, he must follow the principles the set out by Joseph Pilates. He may called his class "PI-YO" like he used to teach in One Yoga, which is completely his origin.
Pilates is even be categorized as one of the essential physiology approach for recovering patient, hence, it shall be treated seriously. It's pretty irrational if a ballroom dancing using Waltz steps to teach Cha-Cha, right?
Secondly, we are talking about the sincerity of the trainer, many instructors simply believed that he was certified and qualified to certified others under the name of "pilates", and this would be a big hit to them as whatever they paid for may just be useless and wasted, as no accredited boards actually recognize the certification by Ken. Don't you think this is contradicting?
Last but not least, yogurt never meant to hurt Ken, but just taking this case as one of the many examples that we may not know.
If you are talking about certified pilates instructor in the ex-yz and current energy, Angie is the only one.
huh? then Ethan and Stephanie had learned from a pilates instructor who is not properly certified that certified them, then what are two of them? that's why i feel so strange why the "pilates" they teach is so different from the pilates i learned in Fitness First with my favorite instructor - Melissa.... sigh...at least 3 pilates instructors in the new E yoga centre are fake, scary...
Ken did tell alot of members that he's polestar certified.Me being one of them.anyway whether he is certified or not i wont do his class anymore becoz his english is so bad. dont understand his garbling about. How can polestar certified instructors be like this? shame la.
Furthermore, that owner of yogazone also real joker and conman. Knowing that Ken is not pilates certified why let him run TTC and make a fool of himself, cheating students money, etc.
All the bad eggs in one basket.....
Let go... let bygones be bygones...the past is over.. move on...live in the present...
dear juzmoveon,
you a bit short short loh! if you 'juzmoveon', then why are you coming to yogurt's blog to view leh? if you all think that her articles are not good or got negative qi, then why you all just cannot let go but keep on having the itchy hands to comment le? let go la! don't come to this blog, die far far away, with your culprits...rest in peace.
ken is a freaking old gay, he likes to play kids, last time when he stayed in his plaza damas apartment, me and my friend ( we were only 19 years old ) to go to his apartment to play threesome, he takes out a kind of liquid and asked us to sniff and make us very high, then he fXXXed my friend, my friend ask him to wear condom but he said no need. my friend was so pain and bleeding because of his torture, then i quickly shout only he let us go. he then give 50ringgit to my friend and ask us not to tell anyone, if not, he will not let us go, that time his apartment still have a very cute dog. what i said is all truth, i just know there's a yoga blog recently and read a lot, i don't know who's right and who's wrong, but i just know ken is definitely a good-for- nothing.
Hmmm....are you sure what you sais is truth? Remember, putting blames to others without any concrete evidence is unbearable by yogurt, and i will surely knock your head for telling lie...however, yogurt did heard about this kind of rumours about ken for some time, any clue? anyone?
I'm not the yoga zone member, why i want to lie to you all? ken knew what he has done, i just couldn't stand his way to portray himself like a saint kind of image, he doesn't fit to be an instrutor, most probably only fit to be a fXXXer!