03 October 2008







sneak preview this weekend


Anonymous said...

i know!, Urban Yoga is the mother of Yoga Land

Anonymous said...

opppss no! i think should be the STEP MOTHER.

Anonymous said...

stupid people asking stupid questions! who else? STUPID TJ la!

Anonymous said...

haha...uglykid,stupid people answer stupid question!

Anonymous said...

yogajess is bought over by Lay Gaik, Jess; don't be in the state of denial.

Why you have never censored the 906 comments attacking TJ in your blogs and you are happily seeing it happened? Let's call spade a spade, looking at how commercialized your web is, all advertisers, if you just mean business and wanting to gain the clicks, yes, you made it. The real murderer is YOGAJESS!

Anonymous said...

soi lan Tj , soi hai Zen & kaki botol David!!! Fuck u all !!! 3stupid liar King, same type peoples gather. Yoga Loft go to die !!!!

yogasia team said...

Dear Anonymous@12.18am,

My friendly reminder, Yoga Loft is confirmed have nothing to do with TJ,if they need me to reveal your IP and identity, I'll co-operate.

Good luck.

singyeh said...

wow anonymous 12.18am,soi lan,soi hai,kaki botol,go to die..seem u like spicy..here lets add up some crab,prawn,chicken,banana into it...mmmmmmmmmh yum aye

Anonymous said...

My yogurt,
weekend liao loh... Your sneak preview leh? I come to your website every two hours since 2oclock la...
who are you actually?

yogasia team said...

Dear No.1 fans,

Weekend covers two days, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. Yogur was busy shopping, you know... this is my only therapy to de-stress now after YZ collapsed. Wait... You will know "WHO" later, stay tuned. ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear yogurt,
Weekend going to liao 2 hrs later,your sneak preview leh? Or it'll out on 2359hrs?

Anonymous said...

yogurt=fairlady=LyDm loh...

Anonymous said...

Yogurt, you made a fool out of yourself by committing and not fulfilling.

Yogurt said on
October 5, 2008 11:54 AM

"Weekend covers two days, i.e. Saturday and Sunday". Wait...You will know "WHO" later, stay tuned. ;)

//Hello, today is MONDAY lor.//

Anonymous said...

Hi Urban Yoghurt,
Hope ur well :)

Anonymous said...

What happen ar Spy Yoga? Your definition on weekend is very extremely long leh.....unable to publish the story here due to legal issues????

Anonymous said...

hey yogurt,
do you know about today's court case outcome?

yogasia team said...

Dear anonymous@9.30pm,

do you think they will be any court case yesterday?

Come on...it's the strategy used by LG and the culprits, delay the hearings from 12th september to 14th october by "coincidence" that the judge is on "MC", so that the dumb dumb FH can wind up the company by 30th september, you still don't get it?
