23 September 2008

More than 60% members will rather practice at home than joining any new yoga joints, the big hoo-haa hell Urban Yoga only gets 20% supports:-

If ex-YZ have 20,000 members and 10 outlets as the press reported, 2 outlets, Damas and Kepong = 4,000 members.

estimated no. of members = 20% of 4,000 members = 800 members.

estimated monthly revenue = 800 members X RM 88 = RM 70,400

estimated teachers' salary = 12 classes/ outlet X 2 outlet X RM 70 ( average ) X 30 days = RM 120,800

estimated rental = damas RM 43,500 kepong RM 16,000 = RM 59,500

estimated managers' salary = Esther RM 5,500 ( YZ's salary to her, now Damas manager ) + Lilian RM 1,600 ( Last time receptionist@HQ, now Kepong's manager, but ex-spy of Lay Gaik, pretend to support TJ at High Court, but actually want to dig out more inside info) + Lay Gaik RM 10,000 + his boy friend's personal allowance for her Estee Lauder facial + Vivian G RM 8,500 + Kim RM 6,000 + Arthur Lai RM 12,000 ( Lay Gaik's culprit ) = RM 43,600 ( besides undertable money they used to buy over people )

utilties = RM 3,000/ outlet X 2 outlets = RM 6,000

According to proper accounting principles:
Sales - cost of sales = Profit/loss
RM 70,400 - ( RM 120,800 + RM 59,500 + RM 43,600 + RM 6,000 )
= RM 70,400 - RM 229,900
monthly loss = ( RM 159,500 )

The figure shows gross/net loss of RM 159,500 without taking into consideation the frontdesk salary, advertising costs, cleaners' salary, statutory contributions, conservatively, the loss can be up to RM 200,000/ month
Not more than one year, urban yoga loss can be up to RM 2 million, is this their "investment"?

Decision is in your hand, but, please respect the fact!


Anonymous said...

ok, I join Myoga tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

damn! I was thinking of signing up tomorrow, better wait and see now!

Anonymous said...

I will join TJ coz not only is he a gd instructor but also hes the one that brought yoga to my life, if not for him i wd not have discover the joy of yoga. And lets not forget he was the onewho taught and trained most of the senior teachers ( ie serena, kim etc), if not for him they wd not be where they are today.
So TJ, i will not "betray" you like what others have done, I am grateful to u and to YZ.

Anonymous said...

only stupid people support TJ! all go to hell!

yogasia team said...

I start to like your "uncensored" mouth, uglykid, just like your master.

Anonymous said...

You shut up la! Stupid sour yogurt! Like your *toot* mouth la!

Anonymous said...

Haha..Very obvious this Uglykid is TJ's No 1 die-hard fan & supporter, she is now using so call reverse psycology to make TJ angry so that TJ will prove her wrong and "East Mountain Rise Again". So, TJ, you have so many supporters around you including Uglykid, pls do something!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12.19am, support your head la! You think you stupid I follow you? Support TJ? Ask him to slow slow wait la!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Lay Gaik,
You are one of shareholder of YZ. So you also has responsible for the business of YZ. Give back my money!!


Anonymous said...

your money is already used for her ICI painting on her face la!

Anonymous said...

dear yogurt,
this stupid nicole lee-uglykid is really irritating! Can you please just spam her?
I enjoy reading your blog but minus this stupid woman!

Unknown said...

Why v want to give chances to Urban Yoga ????? Why V still want to become a 'water fish' ... i just want a peaceful place to pratice yoga......I wont join urban yoga.....

Anonymous said...

Hi prettykid, I disagreed with you, pls dun spam her. Uglykid eventhough ugly stupid dumb loser stink mouth talk shit crap but I believe she comes with some good motives. She is TJ No.1 die-hard fan, the more she talks the more TJ supporters will come out to counter attack and give support to TJ, she actually inspire everyone here to dump LG & UrbanYoga and support TJ. Well done Uglykid!

Anonymous said...

yes! no Urban Yoga! Only One Yoga! One Yoga, the place to be!

Anonymous said...

join Myoga! join Myoga!

Anonymous said...

I have tried out a yoga class at FF but not reallly sastified. ZI dun like their gentle yoga. It is simpler than Element than I used to attned few mths ago. Furthermore the studio comes with air-con. I really beh tahan..too cold. I am sick of lookinbg for yoga center. Better practice at homelah. No point looking for another yoga center.

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me who uglykid is or better still show us her picture.. really curious la

Anonymous said...

Hi, I accidentally came across this blog when I typed "Yoga" at google.com. All these posts had already made most Yogazone instructors and the owners look very ugly to the public. I started my first yoga class at Yogazone and I like the centre and the instructors very much. It is sad to see all of you keep on damaging your own image in all these posts. Kindly stop immediately.

yogasia team said...

Dear anonymous 3.40pm, you should go to yogajess.com, even more interesting there, then you can understand why these people are so outraged in this blog now.